The novel The Good Soldier Švejk refers to a number of institutions and firms, public as well as private. On these pages they were until 15 September 2013 categorised as 'Places'. This only partly makes sense as this type of entity can not always be associated with fixed geographical points, in the way that for instance cities, mountains and rivers can. This new page contains military and civilian institutions (including army units, regiments etc.), organisations, hotels, public houses, newspapers and magazines.
The line between this page and "Places" is blurred, churches do for instance rarely change location, but are still included here. Therefore Prague and Vienna will still be found in the "Places" database, because these have constant coordinates. On the other hand institutions may change location: Odvodní komise and Bendlovka are not unequivocal geographical terms so they will from now on appear on this page.
The names are colour coded according to their role in the plot, illustrated by these examples: U kalicha as a location where the plot takes place, k.u.k. Kriegsministerium mentioned in the narrative, Pražské úřední listy as part of a dialogue, and Stoletá kavárna, mentioned in an anecdote.
II. At the front | |||
2. Švejk's budějovická anabasis |
K.k. Landwehrinfanterieregiment Nr. 7 | |||||
Plzeň, Doudlevecká třída | |||||
K.k. Landwehrinfanterieregiment Nr. 7 is indirectly referred to through the term k.k. Landwehr in Pilsen. The old woman in Vráž tells Švejk about Toníček Mašků who was called up here.
K.k. Landwehrinfanterieregiment Nr. 7 was one of 37 Austrian k.k. Landwehr infantry regiments and like most of its peer units it was established in 1889. The regiments was recruited from the districts Plzeň, Beroun and Písek. Staff and two battalions were in 1914 garrisoned in Pilsen, the other battalion in Rokycany. Commander in 1914 was Oberst Franz Sappe[a]. The barracks were located in Doudlevecká třida, south of the city centre[d] at Dobytčí trh, currently Štefánikovo náměstí.
During the war they first fought in Serbia, from February 1915 in the Carpathians, Galicia and Russian Poland, in 1916 in Bukovina and by the river Dniestr. In June 1917 they were transferred to the Italian front were they remained for the rest of the war, except from an interlude in Ukraine in early 1918[b].
During the first half of 1915 all replacement battalions from Czech-speaking areas were transferred to areas populated by other nationalities. This also applied to k.k. Landwehrinfanterieregiment Nr. 7 who were moved to Rumburg (Rumburk) in northern Bohemia, an region almost exlusively populated by Germans. They arrived in Rumburg in the morning of the 23 May 1915 [c]. In 1918 soldiers from the replacement battalon were involved in the so-called Rumburk rebellion and several of them were executed when the insurrection had been put down.
Hašek might have had second hand information from the regiment through his friend Zdeněk Matěj Kuděj who enrolled with them in 1902. He also participated in periodical exercises in 1905, 1909, 1911 and 1913 but during the war he got off lightly. Being called up as late as 1917 he never served at the front.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] „U nás byl taky jeden takovej nezbeda. Ten měl ject do Plzně k landvér, nějakej Toníček Mašků,“ povzdechla si babička, „von je vod mojí neteře příbuznej, a vodjel. A za tejden už ho hledali četníci, že nepřijel ku svýmu regimentu. A ještě za tejden se vobjevil u nás v civilu, že prej je puštěnej domů na urláb. Tak šel starosta na četnictvo, a voni ho z toho urlábu vyzdvihli. Už psal z fronty, že je raněnej, že má nohu pryč.“
- Schematismus der k.k. Landwehr (s. 234), ,1914 [a]
- LIR 7 - bojová cesta, ,2014 [b]
- Der Einmarsch unserer Siebener in Rumburg, ,27.5.1915 [c]
- Kolaudace zeměbraneckých kasáren , , [d]
- Der Oberste Kriegsherr und sein Stab, ,1908
a | Schematismus der k.k. Landwehr (s. 234) | 1914 | |
b | LIR 7 - bojová cesta | 2014 | |
c | Der Einmarsch unserer Siebener in Rumburg | 27.5.1915 | |
d | Kolaudace zeměbraneckých kasáren |
Infanterieregiment Nr. 35 | ||||||
Plzeň/37, Palackého nám. 2 | ||||||
Infanterieregiment Nr. 35 is mentioned as Švejk sleeps over in a haystack by Putim and discovers that he is in the company of three deserters. Two of them are from IR 35. In [II.3] it is revealed that the soldier Koníček served in the regiment.
Infanterieregiment Nr. 35 was one of 102 regular infantry regiments in k.u.k. Heer. It was also one of the oldest as it was formed as early as 1683[a]. During it's long history the regiment participated in several famous battles, amongst them: Vienna (1689), Aspern (1809), and Solferino (1859). The soldiers were recruited from Heeresergänzungsbezirk Nr. 35, Pilsen. Staff and three battalions were in 1914 garrisoned in Plzeň, whereas the third battalion in 1912 were relocated to Kalinovik in Bosnia. The regiment's barracks were located at Palackého náměstí, slightly west of the city centre.
Commander at the outbreak of war was Oberst Johann von Mossig. One of the other senior officers was Alfred Steinsberg[a] who 1 February 1915 assumed command of Infanterieregiment Nr. 91 and remained in that position during Jaroslav Hašek's time in the regiment.
During the war
From the beginning of the war until May 1915 battalions 1, 2 and 4 fought in Russian Poland by Komarów, in Galicia by Rawa Ruska, along the river San and east of Kraków, later in the Carpathians. The rest of 1915 and the time until September 1917 was spent in eastern Galicia where they on 2 July 1917 fought their own countrymen from the Legions at Zborów. The remainder of the war was spent on the Italian front[b]. The detached 3rd battalion never joined the bulk of the regiment, it operated first in Serbia, then on the Italian front[c].
Infanterieregiment Nr. 35 was like some other Czech regiments accused of treason during World War I. During the battle of Zborówon 2 July 1917 many soldiers from the regiment were taken prisoner, leading to accusations of disloyalty, and consequently to investigations and debates in the newly re-assembled Reichsrat. There had also been an incident in September 1915 that led to the regiment's loyalty being questioned. The minister of defence in Cisleithania however concluded that were was no reason to distrust the regiment as a whole[e].
As a counter-point can be mentioned the book Bohemia's case for independence by Edvard Beneš (1917). Here it is claimed that the regiment defected and reached the Russian trenches half an hour after disembarking from the train[f]. This is obviously nonsense as it would take many hours for such a mass of soldier's with equipment just to get off a train and start marching. Nor did the troop transport trains travel close enough to the front for this even to be possible.
IR. 35's replacement battalion was on 14 June 1915 moved to Székesfehérvár[c] in Hungary as part of a larger initiative to "shield" recruits from presumed disloyal nations from the subversive influence of the local population. In Hungary was another one of Hašek's superiors, Karl Schlager, on 26 July 1915 appointed head of the regiment's convalescents unit and served here until the end of the war.
Songen om regimentet
The well known soldier's song Pětatřicátníci deals with this regiment and Švejk sings fragments from it twice. First he entertains Feldkurat Katz in [I.13] and then he sings for himself by Květov in [II.2][d]. The song didn't actually exists in 1915 as it was penned two years later.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Když se smích utišil, optal se Švejk, od jakého regimentu jsou oni. Zjistil, že dva jsou od 35. a jeden že je od dělostřelectva, taktéž z Budějovic. Pětatřicátníci že utekli před marškou před měsícem a dělostřelec že je od samé mobilisace na cestách.
[II.3] „Pro tyhle samý věci, pro takový sekýrování, zapích před léty u pětatřicátýho regimentu nějakej Koníček sebe i kaprála. Bylo to v ,Kurýru’.
Credit: Jaroslav Šerák
- Schematismus für das k.u.k. Heer (s. 447), ,1914 [a]
- Překládání náhradních těles jednotek z Čech, ,2014 [c]
- Kasárna 35. pěšího pluku, ,
- Z historie slavného 35.pěšího pluku a jeho kasáren, ,
- Česši v rakouské armádě, ,3.5.1916
- Kterou Švejk určitě nezpíval, Kuzma,1.1.1966 [d]
- IR 35 - bojová cesta, ,2014 [b]
- Das Verhalten tschechischer Regimenter an der Front, ,15.6.1918 [e]
- Bohemia's case for independence, ,1917 [f]
- Der Oberste Kriegsherr und sein Stab, ,1908
a | Schematismus für das k.u.k. Heer (s. 447) | 1914 | |
b | IR 35 - bojová cesta | 2014 | |
c | Překládání náhradních těles jednotek z Čech | 2014 | |
d | Kterou Švejk určitě nezpíval | Kuzma | 1.1.1966 |
e | Das Verhalten tschechischer Regimenter an der Front | 15.6.1918 | |
f | Bohemia's case for independence | 1917 |
Feldkanonenregiment Nr. 24 | ||||||
Budějovice, Pražská ul. | ||||||
Feldkanonenregiment Nr. 24 is mentioned as Švejk sleeps over in a haystack by Putim and discovers that he is in the company of three deserters. One is from the artillery in Budějovice and would thus have been called up to this regiment. A few paragraphs further the author changes his mind and makes him a Dragoner (cavalry soldier). The deserter is from Putim and is the owner of the haystack. Later in the chapter Einjährigfreiwilliger Marek mentions artillery patrols and because the plot now is set in Budějovice the unit in question is again the 24th field artillery regiment.
Feldkanonenregiment Nr. 24 was one of 42 field artillery regiments in k.u.k. Heer, garrisoned in Budějovice. It was established in 1892 and was recruited from Militärterritorialbereich Prag (8. Korps), i.e southern and western Bohemia and the area around the capital. In 1914 Oberleutnant Giorgi di Nobile was their commander. The regiment was housed in Erzherzog Wilhelm Kaserne, situated on the northern outskirts of the city.
During the war
The regiment was mobilised on the outbreak of war and with 9. Infanteriedivision sent to the front by the Drina where they took part in the failed attempts to invade Serbia. It was part of Feldartilleriebrigade Nr. 9 and consisted of five batteries[d].
In July 1915 the regiment was still assigned to 9. Infanteriedivision[b] so one must assume that they largely followed the route of Infanterieregiment Nr. 91 and other units in the division throughout the war. Jan Eybl's diaries[c] confirm that they operated on the Isonzo-front as part of this division in 1916.
The war-time history of the regiment until 1916 is therefore roughly as follows: Serbia August-December 1914, Carpathians February-May 1915, then Galicia and Volhynia until November before they were transferred to the Isonzo-front. In 1915 they took part in the battles by Sokal and Chorupan.
Sometime in spring 1916, they were renamed Feldkanonenregiment Nr. 9 and in 1918 Feldartillerieregument Nr. 9. Artillery regiments were also often moved around between divisions[e] so we have not investigated their whereabouts from 1916 onwards. It transpires from Ranglisten that their commander from 1915 to 1918 was Oberst Lorenz Dobringer.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Když se smích utišil, optal se Švejk, od jakého regimentu jsou oni. Zjistil, že dva jsou od 35. a jeden že je od dělostřelectva, taktéž z Budějovic. Pětatřicátníci že utekli před marškou před měsícem a dělostřelec že je od samé mobilisace na cestách.
[II.2] Napohlavkoval omylem jednomu poručíkovi od dělostřelectva v noci na náměstí v podloubí v opilém stavu. Vlastně ani nenapohlavkoval, srazil mu jenom čepici s hlavy. Stalo se to tak, že ten poručík od dělostřelectva stál v noci pod podloubím a patrně čekal na nějakou prostitutku.
[II.2] ...dá se chytit landveráckou nebo dělostřeleckou patrolou v noci...
[II.2] Mensch! Ještě štěstí, že to byl jen takový důstojník od dělostřelectva.“
[II.2] V tom posledním byla soustředěna všechna zášť 91. regimentu proti dělostřelectvu v Budějovicích. Běda dělostřelci, který padl v noci do rukou patroly od pluku a naopak. Zášť hrozná, nesmiřitelná, vendetta, krevní msta, dědící se z ročníku na ročník, provázená na obou stranách tradičními historkami, jak buď infanteristi naházeli dělostřelce do Vltavy, nebo opačně.
- Schematismus für das k.u.k. Heer (s. 810), ,1914 [a]
- ITD.9, Ordre de bataille, ,11.7.1915 [b]
- První světová válka v denících feldkuráta P. Jana Evangelisty Eybla, ,2014,2015,2018 [c]
- Kriegsgliederung, , [d]
- A-H Field Artillery Organization 1917/18, ,2001 - 2016 [e]
- Die Armee-Manöver in Süd-Böhmen, ,3.9.1913
- Abmarsch und erste Gefechte der 2. Batterie des Feldkanonenregimentes Nr. 24 , ,1924-1928
- Die 2. Batterie des Feldkanonenregimentes Nr. 24 am ersten Rückzuge aus Serbien und in den Tagen bis 5. September 1914, ,1924-1928
- Vojenské posádky v Budějovicích v roce 1906, ,
- Kasárny, ,
- Der Oberste Kriegsherr und sein Stab, ,1908
a | Schematismus für das k.u.k. Heer (s. 810) | 1914 | |
b | ITD.9, Ordre de bataille | 11.7.1915 | |
c | První světová válka v denících feldkuráta P. Jana Evangelisty Eybla | 2014,2015,2018 | |
d | Kriegsgliederung | ||
e | A-H Field Artillery Organization 1917/18 | 2001 - 2016 |
Švarcenberský ovčín | |||||||
Bavorov/12, Útěšov | |||||||
Švarcenberský ovčín was a place where Švejk stayed overnight in the company of an old wanderer (se Štěkeň) and an even older shepherd. Here, as elsewhere, he was assumed to have run away from the army. He was told many tales, amongst them stories of defectors from the Thirty Year War (here called the Swedish War) and the Napoleonic Wars. The earlier anecdote about Rittmeister Rotter is repeated, the name Jareš reappears, and Lipnice is mentioned for the first time. The latter indicates that this sequence of The Good Soldier Švejk was written shortly after 25 May 1921, the day Hašek moved to Lipnice.
Švarcenberský ovčín was obviously a sheep-house that belonged to the Schwarzenberg estate. It is not known exactly where it was located, but according to Radko Pytlík and local sources, it could have been near Skočice and Protivín. This theory fits well both with the topography of the area, and the author's description. We know from the novel that it was a four hour walk from Štěkeň, that it was located in a forest, and that Švejk had a glimpse of Vodňany to his right when he appeared from the forest.
The large Schwarzenberg estate owned several sheep farms so it is difficult to guess which one the author had in mind. Hašek surely drew most of his knowledge about the area from summer holidays with his mother in 1896 and 1897 and also from stories told by his grandfather Jareš who was employed by Schwarzenberg.
There was a sheep house in Albrechtice by Drahonice (near Skočice), a farm called Ovčín by Čepřovice, and another sheep farm in Leskovec by Bavorov. All of the three are more or less a four hours walk (appx. 15 km) from Štěkeň as stated in the novel.
Amongst the three Leskovec is no doubt the best fit to the description in The Good Soldier Švejk. As opposed to the two others it has been verified that it belonged to the Schwarzenberg family, more precisely their Libějovice estate[a]. When Švejk leaves in the morning he comes out of the forest and to the right he can see Vodňany. This makes sense considering the location of Leskovec. This candidate is further underpinned when the wanderer talks about "down in Skočice" (for the other two places this doesn't make sense). The Leskovec sheep-shed is seen on the military survey map from the mid 19th century and the large building seems to be intact still (2016). The address is Útěšov 12, Bavorov.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Dnes půjdeme na Strakonice,“ rozvinoval dál svůj plán. „Odtud čtyry hodiny je starej švarcenberskej ovčín. Je tam můj jeden známej ovčák, taky už starej dědek, tam zůstaneme přes noc a ráno se potáhnem na Strakonice, splašit tam někde ve vokolí civil.“
Credit: Jaroslav Šerák, Radko Pytlík, Miroslav Vítek
- Po cestách Švejkovy budějovické anabáze, ,2020 [a]
- Vzpurný Leskovec, ,
- Popis okresního hejtmanství Píseckého, ,1889
- Vznik, úpadek a vzkřížení osad na politicém okresu píseckém, ,10.4.1886
- Bavorov, ,15.4.1938
- Bavorov, ,17.4.1940
a | Po cestách Švejkovy budějovické anabáze | 2020 |
Hrad Lipnice | |||||
Hrad Lipnice is mentioned when the tramp in Švarcenberský ovčín tells the story about that time when he was begging in Lipnice and he by accident knocked on the door of the police station that was located below the castle. Here he received such a whack that he ended up all the way down in Kejžlice.
Hrad Lipnice was built at beginning of the 14th century and at the end of the 16th century it was altered in a renaissance style. In 1645, during the Thirty Year War, the Swedes occupied and partly destroyed the castle. The following centuries witnessed further decline and on 19 September 1869 the castle and Lipnice town were ravaged by a disastrous fire. In 1913 work began to safeguard and restore it, work that has continued on and off until today[a].
The castle is owned by the state and open to the public, provides guided tours, and is a major tourist attraction. The view from the top of the castle across Vysočina is spectacular.
Hašek and the castle
Jaroslav Hašek was very fond of the castle, spent considerable time there and also arranged drinking binges on the premises. He virtually had unlimited access because his friend forest warden Böhm gave him the keys. His favourite room there was the so-called "mazhaus"[b].
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] A zatímco ovčák cedil brambory a nalíval do mísy kyselé ovčí mléko, dělil se dál vandrák se svými vzpomínkami na četnické právo: „V Lipnici bejval jeden strážmistr dole pod hradem.
Credit: Radko Pytlík
- Hrad Lipnice, , [a]
- Lipnický hrad, ,
- Hrad Lipnice, ,1900
- Hrad Lipnice, ,30.12.1924
- Lipnice Castle: the stone guardian of the Sázava region, ,2018
- Toulavé house, ,1971 [b]
a | Hrad Lipnice | ||
b | Toulavé house | 1971 |
Gendarmeriestation Lipnice | |||||
Gendarmeriestation Lipnice is mentioned when the tramp in Švarcenberský ovčín tells the story about that time when he was begging in Lipnice and he by accident knocked on the door of the police station that was located in a side street below the castle.
Gendarmeriestation Lipnice was according to the tramp located below Hrad Lipnice in a side street but this doesn't say much as almost everything in Lipnice is somewhat below the castle. We can however deduce that it was not located on the square and seems to have been on the outskirts of town.
Hašek was surely referring to the location of the police station in 1921 but we can pretty safely assume that it would have been in the same building also before 1915. Exact details are difficult to get hold of without consulting the census records from 1910 or 1920. Information from an unofficial website about Lipnice does however indicate that the police station was located in the so-called činžák, a building next to the school that provided flats for rent[a]. The witness accounts quoted on this web page is however from the time around World War II so one can't take for granted that this was the location also 20-30 years earlier.
Dagmar Kalenská
Hned vpravo bokem školy stál takzvaný činžák. Byl to dům inteligence. Byly tu čtyři dvoupokojové byty a tři garsoniéry. V prvním patře zleva bydlela rodina Šulcových - četnická, pan Šulc měl dole vpravo úřadovnu.
František Bouma
O bezpečnost se starala četnická stanice v činžáku. Byli zde četnící p. Maxera a Šulc, posléze p. Vaňkát. Obec měla ještě obecního strážníka p. Pitche. Ten měl k dispozici na radnici obecní šatlavu.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] A zatímco ovčák cedil brambory a nalíval do mísy kyselé ovčí mléko, dělil se dál vandrák se svými vzpomínkami na četnické právo: „V Lipnici bejval jeden strážmistr dole pod hradem. Bydlel přímo na četnické stanici a já, dobrák stará, pořád jsem byl všude v tý domněnce, že četnická stanice musí být přece někde na vystrčeným místě, jako na náměstí nebo podobně, a ne někde v zastrčenej uličce.
- Vzpominky, , [a]
a | Vzpominky |
Gendarmeriestation Putim | ||||||
Gendarmeriestation Putim is the scene of Švejk's entire stay in Putim. Here he is suspected of being a Russian spy and interrogated by Wachtmeister Flanderka, the head of the local police.
Gendarmeriestation Putim was a literary creation, an example of licensia poetica. There simply wasn't any k.k. Gendarmerie station in Putim in 1915 or during the preceding years. Putim was organised under the Písek station and there was also an office in nearby Protivín.
Steklý's film
In 1957 the de-facto standard Czech film about The Good Soldier Švejk was released, directed by Karel Steklý. For casting purposes building no. 40 was selected as the police station and by the entrance was mounted a sign that still remains in place (2020).
The film is still very popular, and most Czechs know Švejk only from the film. This obviously has had a profound effect on how Czechs perceive the good soldier. Because the film fails to convey the satirical edge of the novel, most people regard The Good Soldier Švejk as a comedy and nothing more. This distortion is particularly evident in Putim where a disproportionate amount of the cast is set. It even includes a tedious invented comic scene where Švejk pushes his drunk police escort to Písek in a wheelbarrow.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Četník se sarkasticky usmál: „Vy jdete přece od Budějovic. Máte ty vaše Budějovice už za sebou,“ a vtáhl Švejka do četnické stanice.
Credit: Václav Pixa, Miroslav Vítek
Na Kocourku | ||||||
Na Kocourku was a pub in Putim where the gendarmes sent old Pejzlerka to fetch food and drink. There is no description of the inn apart from that Pejzlerka told the innkeeper what was going on over at Gendarmeriestation Putim.
Na Kocourku was according to The Good Soldier Švejk a pub in Putim. In 1914 there existed three inns in the village: U Srnků at no. 9 (where the large U Cimbury is today), U Pavlů at no. 7, and Stará hospoda (U Žižků) at no. 42[a].
The latter is the more likely candidate but as the whole Putim section of the plot (including the police station) is not based on historical circumstances one shouldn't put too much emphasis on the details conveyed in The Good Soldier Švejk.
Name from Humpolec?
In the years before World War I there existed a well known public house Na Kocourku in Humpolec[b] and if it was still operating after the war Hašek may well have been aware of it or even visited. Humpolec is only 11 km from Lipnice and by the time Hašek wrote this part of the novel he had already moved to Lipnice. In 2023 Jakub Vazač confirmed that the pub was operating until after 1980 and that the address was Havlíčkovo nám. 90.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] „Tohle je velká výjimka,“ důstojně řekl strážmistr, „to je nějaký vyšší důstojník, nějaký štábní. To víte, že Rusové na špionáž sem nepošlou nějakého frajtra. Pošlou mu do hospody ,Na Kocourku’ pro nějaký oběd. Jestli už nic není, ať uvaří něco.
[II.2] Od té doby neměl četnický strážmistr informátora a musel se spokojit tím, že si vymyslil jednoho, udav fingované jméno, a zvýšil tak svůj příjem o padesát korun měsíčné, které propíjel v hospodě Na Kocourku.
[II.2] Neobyčejné četné stopy těžkých velkých bot báby Pejzlerky na té spojovací linii svědčily o tom, že strážmistr si vynahražuje plnou měrou svou nepřítomnost na Kocourku.
Credit: Václav Pixa, Jakub Vazač, Jaroslav Šerák
- Hospody v Putimi, , [a]
- Výroční valnou hromadu, ,24.12.1908 [b]
a | Hospody v Putimi | ||
b | Výroční valnou hromadu | 24.12.1908 |
Okresní soud Písek | |||||
Písek/119, Velké nám. 13 | |||||
Okresní soud Písek is mentioned in connection with Wachtmeister Bürger at Gendarmeriestation Putim who never bothered to interrogate suspects and instead passed them directly to the district court in Písek. This was an entirely different approach to that of his vigilent successor Wachtmeister Flanderka.
Okresní soud Písek (Písek District Court) was an institution that was part of the judiciary of Austria, and exists also today (2021). It resided on the southern part of Velké náměstí, down towards Otava and adjacent to the larger Krajský soud Písek.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Vzpomněl si na svého předchůdce strážmistra Bürgera, který se zadrženým vůbec nemluvil, na nic se ho netázal a hned ho poslal k okresnímu soudu s krátkým raportem: „Dle udání závodčího byl zadržen pro potulku a žebrotu.“ Je to nějaký výslech?
Also written:Písek District CourtenBezirksgericht PísekdeDistriktsretten Písekno
Landesgendarmeriekommando Prag | |||||
Praha III./388, Karmelitská 2 | |||||
Landesgendarmeriekommando Prag is mentioned by the author when he explains in detail how the HQ of k.k. Gendarmerie in Prague floods the police stations with directives that mostly were stamped "strictly confidential".
Landesgendarmeriekommando Prag (zemské četnické velitelství v Praze) refers to the headquarters of k.k. Gendarmerie in Bohemia. It was number 2 of the 14 gendarmerie country commands in Cisleithania.
Their location was Gendarmeriekaserne in Malá Strana, in a group av buildings at the junction of Karmelitská and Harantova.
The institution supervised a total of 29 Gendarmerieabteilungskommandos where the most important in a The Good Soldier Švejk context was No. 14 in Písek. Commander in chief of k.k. Gendarmerie in Bohemia in 1914 was Václav Řezáč (colonel)[a].
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] A strážmistr dívaje se na stránky svého raportu se usmál se zadostiučiněním a vytáhl ze svého psacího stolu tajný reservát zemského četnického velitelství v Praze s obvyklým „Přísně důvěrné“ a přečetl si ještě jednou:
[II.2] Zemské velitelstvo nařizuje proto zadržet všechny podezřelé a zejména zvýšiti bedlivost v těch místech, kde v blízkostí nalézají se posádky, vojenská střediska a stanice s projíždějícími vojenskými vlaky.
[II.2] Na zemském četnickém velitelství v Praze nestačili je rozmnožovat a rozesílat.
[II.2] a že zemské četnické velitelství ho připraví o poslední špetku rozumu a že se nebude moci těšit z vítězství rakouských zbraní
- Schematismus der k.k. Landwehr (s. 476), ,1914 [a]
a | Schematismus der k.k. Landwehr (s. 476) | 1914 |
K.k. Innenministerium | |||||
Wien I., Judenplatz 11 | |||||
K.k. Innenministerium is mentioned by the author when he in detail describes how the ministry floods the police with directives on how to keep an eye on the population and their attitudes to the war. They even created a classification for degrees of loyalty.
K.k. Innenministerium (I.R. Interior Ministry) (cz. ministerstvo vnitra) was the ministry of interior of Cisleithania, on of the nine ministeries in the Austrian part of the Dual Monarchy. It was housed in am enormous building between Judenplatz and Wipplingerstraße in the centre of Vienna. Minister of the interior from 1911 to 1915 was Karl Heinold von Udyński.
As opposed to like-named ministries in other countries and also what is suggested in The Good Soldier Švejk, this ministry had little to do with inner state security. Their main task seems to have been public health and during World War I they were accordingly in charge of the prisoner of war camps.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Bylo jich mnoho, které vypracovalo ministerstvo vnitra za součinnosti ministerstva zemské obrany, kterému podléhalo četnictvo.
[II.2] Zaplaven tou spoustou vynálezů rakouského ministerstva vnitra, strážmistr Flanderka měl ohromnou spoustu restů a dotazníky zodpovídal stereotypně, že je u něho všechno v pořádku a loyalita že je mezi místním obyvatelstvem stupnice I.a.
[II.2] Rakouské ministerstvo vnitra vynalezlo pro loyalitu a neochvějnost k mocnářství tyto stupnice: I.a, I.b, I.c - II.a, II.b, II. - III.a, III.b, III. - IV.a, IV.b, IV.c.
[IV.1] Rakouské ministerstvo vnitra tápalo ještě ve tmách, pokud se týkalo zjištění nějaké bojovné organisace z přeběhlíků na ruskou stranu. Neznalo ještě nic určitého o revolučních organisacích v cizině a teprve v srpnu na linii Sokal - Milijatin - Bubnovo obdrželi velitelé batalionů důvěrné reserváty, že bývalý rakouský profesor Masaryk utekl za hranice, kde vede proti Rakousku propagandu.
Also written:I.R. Interior MinistryenC.k. ministerstvo vnitracz
- Grégrova příručka, ,1912 [c]
- Heinold von Udynski (Udyński), ,10.12.2019
c | Grégrova příručka | 1912 |
K.k. Ministerium für Landesverteidigung | |||||
Wien I., Babenbergerstraße 5 | |||||
K.k. Ministerium für Landesverteidigung is mentioned by the author when he in detail describes how the ministry floods the police with directives on how to keep an eye on the population and their attitudes to the war. They even created a classification for degrees of loyalty.
K.k. Ministerium für Landesverteidigung (I.R. Land Defence Ministry) was the ministry of defence in Cisleithania, i.e. the Austrian part of the Habsburg empire. It was in charge of k.k. Landwehr and also k.k. Gendarmerie. In peace time their task was primarly inner security whereas after the outbreak of war Landwehr became a fully functional army.
Secretary of home defence from 1907 to 1917 was Friedrich von Georgi. See Minister für Landesverteidigung.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Bylo jich mnoho, které vypracovalo ministerstvo vnitra za součinnosti ministerstva zemské obrany, kterému podléhalo četnictvo.
[II.2] V příloze B1 zasílá se účet za stravování dotyčného k laskavému převedení na účet min. zem. obrany s žádostí o potvrzení přijetí předvedeného.
Also written:I.R. Land Defence MinistryenC.k. ministerstvo zemské obranycz
- Grégrova příručka, ,1912
- Friedrich Freiherr von Georgi, ,2001 - 2016
K.k. Gendarmerie | |||||
Wien I., Opernring 6 | |||||
K.k. Gendarmerie is mentioned by the author when he in detail describes how k.k. Ministerium für Landesverteidigung to which the gendarmery reported floods the police stations with directives on how to keep an eye on the population and their attitudes to the war.
K.k. Gendarmerie (c.k. četnictvo) was an armed state police force of Cisleithania, responsible for public order and homeland security. It's history goes back to 1848 but at the time it operated in the entire Habsburg emprire, an situation that changed after Ausgleich. As the author correctly notes it reported to k.k. Ministerium für Landesverteidigung where its official role was assisting body to the ministry (Hilfsorgan). It was organised as a military unit and the policemen were classed as soldiers. During the war they were also serving in the field, mainly as military police, so-called Feldgendarmen.
In 1914 the institution was headed by General Michael Tišljar von Lentulis[a]. His title was Gendarmerieinspektor and his office was located at Opernring 6 whereas other parts of the administration were housed at the defence ministry's building in Babenbergerstraße 5.
At the outbreak of World War I gendarmerie force counted nearly 15,000 men[b] and was organised in 14 Landesgedarmeriekommandos where no. 2 (see Landesgendarmeriekommando Prag) is the most relevant in the context of The Good Soldier Švejk. These in turn supervised a number of Gendarmerieabteilungskommandos (29 in Bohemia) that again managed a few Bezirksgendarmeriekommandos. The lowest unit was the Gendarmeriestation (or Gendarmeriepost) that in the countryside (like at Gendarmeriestation Putim) counted one or two police officials, generally headed by a Wachtmeister.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Bylo jich mnoho, které vypracovalo ministerstvo vnitra za součinnosti ministerstva zemské obrany, kterému podléhalo četnictvo.
- Schematismus der k.k. Landwehr (s. 465), ,1914 [a]
- Polizeigeschichte, , [b]
- Konec loupežnického hejtmana, kterým strašili děti. Četnictvo v Čechách, ,11.11.2013
a | Schematismus der k.k. Landwehr (s. 465) | 1914 | |
b | Polizeigeschichte |
U černého koně | ||||||
U černého koně was a pub in Protivín where gendarm Rampa was playing cards with some shoemakers even when on duty.
U černého koně (The Black Horse) was according to the novel the name of a pub in Protivín. In the address book of 1915 there were 13 public houses in the town but as they are listed by owners it is impossible to tell if any of them was named U černého koně. Miroslav Vítek has even investigated the census records from 1910 and concludes that none of the 15 hostelries in town seem to have had such a name[a].
Inspiration from elsewhere?
U černého koně was the name of hotels and restaurants in various places in Bohemia, a.o. in Prague, Beroun and Domažlice. There is however no indication that Hašek had any connection to any of those. He would at least have been aware of the one in Prague at Na Příkopě and also may have stumbled upon the other two on his travels to Domažlice in 1904 and Beroun in 1913.
A more likely though still far-fetched source of inspiration is U černého koníčka/Zum Schwarzen Rössl (The little black horse) in Budějovice[b], a restaurant located a few steps from k.u.k. Reserve-Spital where Hašek was receiving treatment from 6 March 1915 onwards. From the hospital he allegedly escaped with his Krankenbuch like his alter ego Einjährigfreiwilliger Marek did in The Good Soldier Švejk. To our knowledge it has not been recorded that he visited the pub but given the location it would be no surprise if he dropped by.
The restaurant was owned by the Schwarzenberg dynasty and served beer from their Třeboň brewery. The address in 1915 was Schmerlingová třída 540/28, now Žižkova třída. Attached was a cinema called The Royal Biograf[c]. The landlord in 1915 was František Bednář. The restaurant has been operation since 1854, is still functioning, and serves beer from Protivín (2011).
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Strážmistr zůstal sedět na strážnici vedle Švejka na kavalci prázdné postele četníka Rampy, který měl do rána službu, obchůzku po vesnicích, a který v tu dobu klidně seděl „U černého koně“ v Protivíně a hrál s obuvnickými mistry mariáš, vykládaje v přestávkách, že to Rakousko musí vyhrát.
Also written:The Black HorseenDen svarte hestno
- Po cestách Švejkovy budějovické anabáze, ,2020 [a]
- Hostinec U Černého koníčka existoval již před rokem 1854. Měl k dispozici stáje pro 40 koní, ,28.7.2016 [b]
- The Royal Biograf, ,31.12.1909 [c]
- Zum Schwarzen Rössl, ,31.1.1914
a | Po cestách Švejkovy budějovické anabáze | 2020 | |
b | Hostinec U Černého koníčka existoval již před rokem 1854. Měl k dispozici stáje pro 40 koní | 28.7.2016 | |
c | The Royal Biograf | 31.12.1909 |
Schönbrunn | |||||
Wien XIII./1 | |||||
Schönbrunn is mentioned when it is revealed what unpatriotic utterances appeared during the policemen's drinking binge Gendarmeriestation Putim. Emperor Franz Joseph I. had to be locked away in the toilets to prevent him from shitting all over Schönbrunn it was claimed.
In [II.3] the zoo by the castle is mentioned. See Schönbrunner Menagerie.
Schönbrunn is a palace in Vienna that served as the summer residence of the Emperor until the monarchy was abolished in 1918. Today it is mostly a museum and is on the UNESCO World Heritage list. The palace has 1441 rooms and is on of the major tourist attractions of Wien.
Schönbrunn dates back to the 18th century and associated with the palace is a large park, the zoo Schönbrunner Menagerie and various lesser buildings. It is located in Hietzing in XIII. Bezirk, on the south-western outskirts of the city.
It was here that Emperor Franz Joseph I. was born on 18 August 1830[a].
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Závodčí se zastavil u okna, a bubnuje na ně, prohlásil: „Vy jste si také, pane strážmistr, nedal ubrousek na ústa před naší bábou a pamatuji se, že jste jí řekl: ,Pamatujou, bábo, že každý císař a král pamatuje jen na svou kapsu, a proto vede válku, ať je to třebas takový dědek jako starý Procházka, kterého nemohou už pustit z hajzlu, aby jim nepodělal celý Schönbrunn.’„
[II.3] Vídeň je vůbec důležité město,“ pokračoval, „jenom co mají divokejch zvířat v tej schönbrunnskej menažerii. Když jsem byl před lety ve Vídni, tak jsem se nejradši chodil dívat na vopice, ale když jede nějaká osobnost z císařskýho hradu, tak tam nikoho nepouštěj přes kordon. Byl se mnou jeden krejčí z desátýho okresu a toho zavřeli, poněvadž chtěl mermocí ty vopice vidět.“
- The history of the palace, ,
- Schloss Schönbrunn, ,
- Wien, den 18. August, ,19.8.1830 [a]
a | Wien, den 18. August | 19.8.1830 |
Bezirksgendarmeriekommando Pisek | |||||||
Písek/262, Pražská ul. 17 | |||||||
Bezirksgendarmeriekommando Pisek is the scene of the end of Švejk's Anabasis. Rittmeister König soon verified that Švejk was no Russian spy, and dispatched him immediately to his regiment in Budějovice.
Bezirksgendarmeriekommando Pisek (Regional State Police Headquarters) (Okresní četnické velitelství) was the former state police headquarters in hejtmanství Písek. The police station was in the inter-war years located in Pražská ulice čp. 262[a] and presumably this was also the case in 1915. This is however at odds with information found in a book from 1898 where a map shows some police station much closer to the town centre but still in the same street[b], in house number 181.
Gendarmerie in Písek
In Písek k.k. Gendarmerie was present on two command levels. The lowest ranked of the units was the one we know from The Good Soldier Švejk: Bezirksgendarmeriekommando. In 1915 it was commanded by Wachtmeister Antonín Kolský[c], an indication that Rittmeister König firmly belongs in the category of fiction. Kolský's department was responsible for 13 gendarmerie posts in the area, amongst them Vráž, Protivín, Bavorov, Mitrovice and Vodňany.
His unit reported to Abteilungskommando Nr. 14 that again reported to Landesgendarmeriekommando Prag. Abteilungskommando was from 1910 to 1916 headed by a person familiar to readers of The Good Soldier Švejk, the well known policeman and dog expert Rittmeister Rotter, a person Hašek knew. Apart from the Písek district his department supervised the districts of Strakonice and Blatná, and Rotter's unit counted 91 gendarmes.
Rittmeister Rotter's office was at Pražská čp. 262, this is confirmed by the 1910 census records[d]. On this address were three flats: one for Rotter and his family (with servants), one for another tenant, and the third for lower ranking gendarmes. In this flat lived four Wachtmeister, one assistant and one female servant. Our unconfirmed assumption is that also Bezirksgendarmeriekommando resided at this address because there was no longer any k.k. Gendarmerie presence at the former address at Pražská čp. 181.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Zítra ho budeme lifrovat do Písku, k panu okresnímu.
[II.2] Četnickému strážmistrovi Flanderkovi se situace, čím déle psal tou podivnou úřední němčinou, vyjasňovala, a když skončil: "So melde ich gehorsam, wird der feindliche Offizier heutigen Tages, nach Bezirksgendarmeriekommando Písek, überliefert"
[II.2] Strážmistr vyzval Švejka, aby šel zas na strážnici, a rychle, aby nezapomněl, připsal do svého raportu na okresní četnické velitelství v Písku: "Ovládaje dokonale český jazyk, chtěl se v Českých Budějovicích pokusit vstoupit do 91. pěšího pluku."
[II.2] Závodčího zmocnila se naprostá deprese, a když po hrozném utrpení pozdě večer dorazili do Písku k četnickému velitelství, na schodech řekl úplně zdrceně závodčí Švejkovi: „Teď to bude hrozné. My od sebe nemůžem.“ A opravdu bylo to hrozné, když strážmistr poslal pro velitele stanice, rytmistra Königa. První slovo rytmistrovo bylo: „Dýchněte na mne.“ „Teď to chápu,“ řekl rytmistr, zjistiv nesporně situaci svým bystrým, zkušeným čichem, „rum, kontušovka, čert, jeřabinka, ořechovka, višňovka a vanilková.
Also written:Regional State Police HeadquartersenOkresní četnické velitelstvícz
- Historie, , [a]
- Královské město Písek, ,1898 [b]
- Chytilův úplný adresář Království Českého, ,1915 [c]
- Sčitání lidu 1910, , [d]
- Domácí odboj v Písku, ,15.9.1934
a | Historie | ||
b | Královské město Písek | 1898 | |
c | Chytilův úplný adresář Království Českého | 1915 | |
d | Sčitání lidu 1910 |
Infanterieregiment Nr. 11 | ||||||
Písek, Svatoplukova ul. | ||||||
Infanterieregiment Nr. 11 is mentioned by the author when he describes the state of affairs and general mood in the area at the time when Švejk is handed over to Bezirksgendarmeriekommando Pisek. Rebellion is in the air and battalions from Infanterieregiment Nr. 28 and Infanterieregiment Nr. 11 have crossed over to the enemy in Serbia and in the Carpathians.
Infanterieregiment Nr. 11 (pěší pluk č. 11) was one of 102 Austro-Hungarian infantry regiments. According to Schematismus[a] it was founded in 1629 and was as such the oldest infantry regiment in the entire k.u.k. Heer [a]. The name Infanterieregiment Nr. 11 is however much more recent; it dates back to 1873. From 1854 onwards the regiment was recruited from the Písek area and the city was also home of the replacement battalion and at least one of the four regular battalions.
Due to its long history the regiment took part in nearly every war the Habsburg empire was involved in: The Thirty Year War, the War of Austrian succession, the Napoleonic wars and the campaigns in northern Italy during the mid 19th century. The regiment's memorial day was 8 June 1859, commemorating the battle of Melagnano.
Recruitment and garrison
Heeresergänzungsbezirk Nr. 11 (recruitment district) encompassed five hejtmanství: Písek, Strakonice, Sušice, Klatovy and Blatná. Eighty per cent of the men were of Czech nationality. Almost all the places mentioned in Švejk's anabasis fell within the district which also included Kašperské Hory, a place mentioned after Švejk's march battalion left Királyhida.
It was customary in Austria-Hungary to move regiments around in various parts of the empire and it rarely occurred that an entire regiment served in the same location. The four (sometimes three) battalions of an infantry regiment was usually located in 2-3 places, and this was also the case with Infanterieregiment Nr. 11. In 1914 staff and 3rd and 4th battalion were located in Prague (Albrechtkaserne), 1st battalion in Písek and 2nd battalion in Prachatice[a]. In Písek the local units of the regiment were originally housed in the barracks in the city centre, but at the turn of the century new barracks were built in Pražské předměstí (the Prague suburb), next to the already existing barracks of k.k. Landwehrinfanterieregiment Nr. 28.
During the war
The regiment was mobilised at the outbreak of war and as part of Prague's 9. Infanteriedivision[1] sent to the Drina front as part of the 5th army and VIII. Korpskommando[f]. Together with IR73 they formed 18. Infanteriebrigade. They took part in the three failed invasions of Serbia in the autumn of 1914. Forced into a calamitous withdrawal onto Hungarian soil around 20 December, they were in early February 1915 transferred to the Carpathians. 11 March was to become the worst day in the regiment's World War I history. By Smolnik a part of the regiment was crushed and 777 men with 40 officers were killed, captured or reported missing. From early May they took part in the Central Powers' offensives in Galicia and Volhynia. In November 1915 they were transferred to the Isonzo-front east of Monfalcone, on the so-called Karst-plateau in current Slovenia. Here they remained until October 1917 (apart from a short interlude south of Trento in early summer 1916). In September 1916 they were placed under the command of 28. Infanteriedivision. The regiment took part in the advance into Italy after the October breakthrough at Caporetto and in November they reached Piave where they saw out the rest of the war.
Until September 1916 their battlegrounds were roughly the same os those of their sister regiments in 9th division. Jaroslav Hašek may have been in touch with Infanterieregiment Nr. 11 during the period from 11 July 1915 until he was captured on 24 September. Like Infanterieregiment Nr. 91 and the rest of division the Písek regiment took part in the bloody battles by Sokal and Chorupan that year.
Regimental commander at the outbreak war was Walter Schreitter von Schreiterfeld[a]. He was soon replaced by Karl Wokoun who served until the autumn 1915. Thereafter the regiment had several commanders. One of them was Florian Schaumeier, commander of Infanterieregiment Nr. 28 during the debacle on 3 April 1915.
A reliable regiment
Hašek claims in The Good Soldier Švejk that entire battalions from Infanterieregiment Nr. 11 had crossed over to the Serbs but here he seems to be relaying allied propaganda, much like he does later in the novel when he describes the circumstances around Infanterieregiment Nr. 28's alleged defection by Dukla.
In 1916 the mouthpiece of the Czechoslovak National Council in Paris, La Nation tchèque, printed a piece of propaganda that also mentioned Infanterieregiment Nr. 11. It was relating to the campaign in Serbia[c], and the content also appeared in abroad, for instance in Kiev. La Nation tchèque didn't hold back: "the 11th regiment refused to march on Valjevo, was decimated and taken prisoners. The parts that remained were ordered to positions that were exposed to Serbian artillery fire and the rest were wiped out by Hungarian artillery as revenge". These claims are reproduced in the book Bohemia's case for independence by Edvard Beneš (1917)[2].
There seemed to be little substance in the allied propaganda. There were indeed several reports that praised Infanterieregiment Nr. 11 - they were mentioned in glowing terms three times in official war bulletins, first 26 November 1914 for their performance by the river Kolubara in northern Serbia. During a parliamentary inquiry in 1918 into the performance of Czech regiments the minister of defence in Cisleithania said that the regiment had performed bravely and had no complaints[e]. Nor is there any mention of such events in Kisch's book and the regiment was fighting some distance north of Valjevo[g].
That said entire companies from Infanterieregiment Nr. 11 "vanished" (were captured or broken up) during the retreat from Belgrade in December 1914 but this was the case also with their sister regiments on that section of the front. That entire units were wiped out was a common occurence throughout the war.
Schreib das auf, Kisch!
One prime witness to the Serbian campaign was the famous journalist and writer Egon Erwin Kisch. In 1922 he published Soldat im Prager Korps, based on his diaries from war, and in 1930 an enhanced version titled Schreib das auf, Kisch![g] appeared. Kisch gave a chilling account of the horrors he observed, and also laid bare cases of self-mutilation, corruption and incompetence within the army, all themes that reader of Švejk would recognize.
Korporal Kisch was living in Berlin when the war broke out, returned home to join Infanterieregiment Nr. 11 in Písek and describes the journey to the front and the disastrous invasions of Serbia in 1914. Then follows the chaotic retreat by Belgrade to southern Hungary (by current Novi Sad in Serbia), a 6 weeks of restitution followed by the transfer to the Carpathians. Here he was wounded on 18 March 1915 and he narrative ends as he return to Prague. After recovering he worked for Kriegspressequartier in Vienna and also as a censor at the regiment's replacement battalion in Gyula. Kisch never returned to active front service.
The replacement battalion of Infanterieregiment Nr. 11 was like their equivalents from other Czech regiments relocated to non-Czech soil. Their destination was Hungary, temporarily Kolozsvar (now Cluj in Romania), then Gyula on the current Hungarian-Romanian border. The transfer took place in May 1915 (reported on 19 May)[b] and the battalion returned to Písek 10 November 1918[d]. Presumably a Hungarian regiment took their place in the barracks in Písek but it is not known which.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Černožluté obzory počaly se zatahovat mraky revoluce. Na Srbsku, v Karpatech přecházely bataliony k nepříteli. 28. regiment, 11. regiment. V tom posledním vojáci z píseckého kraje a okresu. V tom předvzpourovém dusnu přijeli rekruti z Vodňan s karafiáty z černého organtinu.
Credit: Martin Zeman, Egon Erwin Kisch
1. | In August 1914 the division contained Infanterieregiment Nr. 11, IR73, Infanterieregiment Nr. 91, IR102, one battalion from Infanterieregiment Nr. 28, artillery (a.o. Feldkanonenregiment Nr. 24) and cavalry. |
2. | Edvard Beneš, Bohemia's case for independence, 1917. This book is a political pamphlet that aimed to influence decision-makers in the allied capitals towards accepting the need to break up Austria-Hungary. To achieve his goal Beneš didn't shy away from exaggerations, falsehoods and even conspiracy theories. From page 56: The 11th Czech Regiment of the town of Pisek, who refused to march on Valjevo in Serbia, was on two different occasions decimated. The rest were put in the front of Serbian guns and finally crushed by the Magyar artillery, who seeing themselves in danger thus cruelly revenged themselves on the Czechs. |
- Schematismus für das k.u.k. Heer (s. 399), ,1914 [a]
- Písek vojenský 1848-1918, ,
- Seznam velitelů pěšího pluku č.11 v letech 1629-1918, ,
- C. a k. pěší pluk č.11 ve Válce světové. I. část: Na srbské frontě (srpen-prosinec 1914), ,
- C. a k. pěší pluk č.11 ve Válce světové. II. část: Na ruské frontě (únor-říjen 1915), ,
- C. a k. pěší pluk č.11 ve Válce světové. III. část: Na italské frontě (listopad 1915-listopad 1918), ,
- Vojákem pražského sboru, ,
- Maršbaťáček, ,1927
- Schreib das auf Kisch!, ,1930 [g]
- Kriegsgliederung, , [f]
- IR 11 - bojová cesta, ,2014
- Ein Denkmal für die Helden von Melegnano und Solferino, ,
- Nové kasárny v Písku, ,15.9.1900
- Jak se vyznamenal 11. pěší pluk z Písku, ,14.12.1914
- Změna vojenských posádek, ,19.5.1915 [b]
- Česši v rakouské armádě, ,3.5.1916
- Les soldats tchécoslovaques, ,1.6.1916 [c]
- Neznámí spojenci spojenců, ,30.10.1916
- Bohemia's case for independence, ,1917 [h]
- Das Verhalten der Tschechen im Weltkrieg, ,1918
- Das Verhalten tschechischer Regimenter an der Front, ,15.6.1918 [e]
- Příjezd 11. pěš. pluku do Písku, ,16.11.1918 [d]
- Jedenáctej, ,25.12.1925
- Der serbische Feldzug, ,15.6.1930
- Der Oberste Kriegsherr und sein Stab, ,1908
a | Schematismus für das k.u.k. Heer (s. 399) | 1914 | |
b | Změna vojenských posádek | 19.5.1915 | |
c | Les soldats tchécoslovaques | 1.6.1916 | |
d | Příjezd 11. pěš. pluku do Písku | 16.11.1918 | |
e | Das Verhalten tschechischer Regimenter an der Front | 15.6.1918 | |
f | Kriegsgliederung | ||
g | Schreib das auf Kisch! | 1930 | |
h | Bohemia's case for independence | 1917 |
Písecké nádraží | |||||
Písecké nádraží is mentioned by the author when he wrote that soldiers who travelled through from Prague threw back cigarettes and chocolate that society ladies from Písek gave them.
Švejk would also either have boarded the train here or travelled past when he finally concluded his anabasis by being escorted to his regiment in Budějovice.
Písecké nádraží probably refers to the main railway station in Písek that is by far the largest of the four stops in the city. It is located on the southern outskirts of Písek and is a regular stop on the line Prague - Beroun - Protivín - Budějovice. It would be logical to assume that soldiers from Prague passed through this station on the way to the battlefield in Serbia.
Egon Erwin Kisch also mentions a station in his book Schreib das auf Kisch!. The settings was Infanterieregiment Nr. 11's transport to the front in Serbia in early August 1914. The soldiers left around midnight and Kisch noted that they marched past a pond but that few people accompanied them along the route. The regiment travelled via Tábor to Vienna, a journey that took 30 hours!
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Píseckým nádražím projížděli vojáci od Prahy a házeli nazpátek cigarety a čokoládu, kterou jim podávaly do prasečích vozů dámy z písecké společnosti.
Budějovické nádraží | |||||
Budějovické nádraží is mentioned when Švejk is escorted from Písek til Budějovice to join Infanterieregiment Nr. 91. This marks the end of his famous anabasis.
In [II.3] the station takes a more prominent place in the plot. Švejk and his cell-mate Einjährigfreiwilliger Marek boarded the train here later in when the whole replacement battalion of IR. 91 was transferred to Királyhida.
Budějovické nádraží (Budweiser a railway station in Vienna) refers to the main railway station in Budějovice that is located slightly more than a kilometre east of the centre. The orginal station was opened for traffic in 1872 but replaced by the current and much larger one in 1908. The first passenger train rolled into the station on 17 December 1908[a].
During the war
The railway's had a crucial role in military logistics, so also in Budějovice. Already on mobilisation staff, 2nd and 3rd battalion of IR. 91 arrived from Prague and was together with the already present 4th battalion put on a war footing. On 1 August 1915 the regiment left for the front by Drina in four stages, a journey that lasted three days. Around the same time the local k.k. Landwehrinfanterieregiment Nr. 29 boarded the trains and headed for the eastern front.
During 1914 the station witnessed the departure of 5 march battalions to Serbia, in January 1915 the 6th was shipped to southern Hungary were the regiment spent six weeks recovering after the withdrawal from Serbia. March battalions numbered 6 to 11 were subsequently dispatched to the battlefields of the Carpathians and Galicia.
Jaroslav Hašek's XII. Marschbataillon was actually the first that was not shipped from Budějovice. In early summer 1915 the replacement battalions of the city's two house regiments were relocated to non-Czech soil. IR. 91 was on 1 June 1915 moved to Királyhida in two stages[b], an event that is extensively covered in The Good Soldier Švejk. Almost two weeks earlier k.k. Landwehrinfanterieregiment Nr. 29 had been relocated.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Po celé cestě se Švejkem od nádraží do Mariánských kasáren v Budějovicích upíral své oči křečovitě na Švejka, a kdykoliv přicházeli k nějakému rohu nebo křižovatce ulic, jako mimochodem vypravoval Švejkovi, kolik dostávají ostrých patron při každé eskortě, načež Švejk odpovídal, že je o tom přesvědčen, že žádný četník nebude po někom střílet na ulici, aby neudělal nějaké neštěstí.
[II.3] Jednadevadesátý pluk se stěhoval do Mostu nad Litavou-Királyhidy. Právě když po třídenním věznění měl být za tři hodiny Švejk propuštěn na svobodu, byl s jednoročním dobrovolníkem odveden na hlavní strážnici a s eskortou vojáků doprovozen na nádraží.
[II.3] Blížili se ostatně k nádraží, kde se loučili Budějovičáci se svým regimentem. Nemělo to oficielního rázu, ale náměstí před nádražím bylo naplněno obecenstvem, které očekávalo vojsko.
[II.3] Švejk nemohl se udržet, aby nevykřikl do špalíru „Nazdar!“a nezamával čepicí. Působilo to tak sugestivně, že zástup to hlučně opakoval a „Nazdar“ šířilo se dál a zaburácelo před nádražím, kde daleko odtud se začalo říkat: „Už jdou.“
[II.3] Byla to pořádná manifestace. Z hotelu naproti nádraží z oken mávaly nějaké dámy kapesníky a křičely „Heil!“ Do „nazdar“ mísilo se „heil“ i ze špalíru a nějakému nadšenci, který použil té příležitosti, aby vykřikl: „Nieder mit den Serben“, podrazili nohy a trochu po něm šlapali v umělé tlačenici.
[II.3] Tak vešli na nádraží a šli k určenému vojenskému vlaku, když málem by byla ostrostřelecká kapela, jejíž kapelník byl vážně popleten nečekanou manifestací, spustila „Zachovej nám, Hospodine“.
[II.3] Ráno dostal nápad, že musí dělat pořádek při odjezdu prvních ešalonů regimentu, a proto se potloukal po celé délce špalíru, účinkoval na nádraží tak, že důstojníci řídící dopravu pluku uzavřeli se před ním v kanceláři přednosty stanice.
[II.3] Objevil se proto opět před nádražím v pravý čas, aby strhl taktovku kapelníka ostrostřelců, který už chtěl dirigovat „Zachovej nám, Hospodine“.
[II.3] „Halt,“ řekl, „ještě ne, až dám znamení. Teď rút a já zas přijdu.“ Odešel do nádraží a pustil se za eskortou, kterou zastavil svým křikem: „Halt!
[II.3] „To se divím,“ řekl jednoroční dobrovolník k desátníkovi, „že u nás se ještě neobjevila inspekce. Podle předpisu měl jste nás hlásit u komandanta vlaku hned na nádraží a nezabývat se nějakým opilým vrchním polním kurátem.“
[II.3] Kromě toho na poslední stanici hlášený stav mužstva z jednotlivých vagonů kolísal s číslem udaným po skončeném nástupu do vagonů na budějovickém nádraží.
[II.3] „Milerád,“ kamarádským tónem řekl jednoroční dobrovolník, „vy jste se prostě ráno na nádraží při nastupování do vlaku k nám přidal, poněvadž jste měl v hlavě.“
- Nové nádraží v Č. Budějovicích, ,19.12.1908
- Der neue Bahnhof, ,18.12.1908 [a]
- Unser neuer Bahnhof, ,22.12.1908
- Inspizierung, ,1.6.1915
- Odchod 91. pluku, ,2.6.1915 [b]
- Abmarsch der 91er, ,4.6.1915
a | Der neue Bahnhof | 18.12.1908 | |
b | Odchod 91. pluku | 2.6.1915 |
Mariánská kasárna | |||||||
Budějovice/1851, Pražská tř. 1 | |||||||
Mariánská kasárna plays a prominent role in this chapter as part of the plot takes part in this garrison in Budějovice. This is where Švejk and Einjährigfreiwilliger Marek spent three days together in the regimental prison.
Mariánská kasárna was a military barrack in Budějovice that was build in 1843-1844. From 1883 to 1915 it housed the replacement battalion of Infanterieregiment Nr. 91 ( Ersatzbataillon IR. 91) and at least one regular battalion, in 1914 the 4th. Jaroslav Hašek himself served here from 17 February 1915 until the end of May. His experiences here are to a large degree retold by his alter ego Einjährigfreiwilliger Marek. The school for Einjährigfreiwilliger that Hašek and Marek attended was on the third floor. The building also housed the garrison arrest, a place that Švejk and his creator knew very well.
On 1 June 1915 the IR. 91 replacement battalion was transferred to Királyhida under circumstances very similar to those described in the novel. Their replacement was, as in the novel a Hungarian regiment. Infanterieregiment Nr. 101 from Békéscsaba in south eastern Hungary arrived on the 9th[b]. Staff and the machine gun company of k.k. Landwehrinfanterieregiment Nr. 6 from Eger (now Cheb) also occupied parts of the barracks. They arrived in the city 19 May 1915 as they were swapped with the local k.k. Landwehrinfanterieregiment Nr. 29[a].
In 2015 the building was renovated and now hosts restaurants, shops, flats and galleries. By the main entrance there is a memorial plaque to Jaroslav Hašek.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Po celé cestě se Švejkem od nádraží do Mariánských kasáren v Budějovicích upíral své oči křečovitě na Švejka, a kdykoliv přicházeli k nějakému rohu nebo křižovatce ulic, jako mimochodem vypravoval Švejkovi, kolik dostávají ostrých patron při každé eskortě, načež Švejk odpovídal, že je o tom přesvědčen, že žádný četník nebude po někom střílet na ulici, aby neudělal nějaké neštěstí.
[II.2] V tmavém prostoru lidomorny Mariánských kasáren Švejka uvítal srdečně tlustý jednoroční dobrovolník, provalující se na slamníku.
[II.2] A ta jeho řeč nemá konce a vy čekáte, že co nejdřív musí spadnout celé Mariánské kasárny.
[II.2] Nedívej se tak hloupě, klíčníku Mariánských kasáren.
[II.2] ...když například přelézá voják v noci zeď Mariánských kasáren a usne nahoře na zdi...
[II.2] Tak mně připadá,“ řekl jednoroční dobrovolník po krátké pomlčce, „že duch vojenský v nás upadá, navrhuji, milý příteli, abychom v noční tmě, v tichu našeho vězení si zazpívali o kanonýrovi Jabůrkovi. To povznese vojenského ducha. Ale musíme řvát, aby to bylo slyšet po celých Mariánských kasárnách. Navrhuji proto, abychom se postavili ke dveřím.“
Credit: Franta Hofer, Jaroslav Kejla
Also written:Mariánské kasárnyHašekMarienkasernede
- Vojenské posádky v Budějovicích v roce 1906, ,
- Geschichte des ehemaligen Schützenregimentes Nr. 6, ,1932 [a]
- Aus Furcht vor der Transferierung nach Bosnien, ,8.6.1909
- Einzug der Infanterie-Regimentes 101 in Budweis, ,11.6.1915 [b]
a | Geschichte des ehemaligen Schützenregimentes Nr. 6 | 1932 | |
b | Einzug der Infanterie-Regimentes 101 in Budweis | 11.6.1915 |
Infanterieregiment Nr. 91 | ||||||
Budějovice/1851, Pražská tř. 1 | ||||||
Infanterieregiment Nr. 91 is the backdrop to almost the entire plot from the moment Švejk reunites with Oberleutnant Lukáš in Mariánská kasárna in Budějovice. This happened after he had concluded his famous anabasis. The word "regiment" in this context of novel rather means Ersatzbataillon IR. 91 because Švejk's unit never joined the field regiment at the front.
Infanterieregiment Nr. 91 was one of 110 infantry regiments in k.u.k. Heer[a] and because of The Good Soldier Švejk it is arguably the best known regiment in the entire Austro-Hungarian armed forces. Jaroslav Hašek's own period of service in IR. 91 in 1915 explains why he chose this very regiment as the backdrop for the plot.
Švejk's whereabouts and itinerary from Budějovice onwards roughly follows the author's own movements with XII. Marschbataillon of IR. 91 in 1915. Hašek also introduced a considerable number of fellow soldiers and officers to the plot. From some of them he borrowed names, biographical details and personal qualities from the "prototype", in other cases he used only the name and/or rank.
The history of Infanterieregiment Nr. 91 is being prepared on a dedicated page.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] ...
Credit: Rudolf Kießwetter, Jan Ev. Eybl, Jan Vaněk, Gustav Jungbauer, Josef Novotný, Jan Ciglbauer, Milan Hodík
- Schematismus für das k.u.k. Heer (s. 559), ,1914 [a]
- Seznamy ztrát - 91. pěší pluk, ,2021
- K. und k. Infanterieregiment Nr. 91. Sterb-Register, ,1914-1916
a | Schematismus für das k.u.k. Heer (s. 559) | 1914 |
Budějovická nemocnice | ||||||
Budějovice I./185, Radeckého tř. 37 | ||||||
Budějovická nemocnice is mentioned by Einjährigfreiwilliger Marek when he tells Švejk how he used the Regimentskrankenbuch to nip out of the hospital to enjoy himself on the town. The name of the hospital is not mentioned explicitly.
Budějovická nemocnice almost certainly refers to k.u.k. Reserve-Spital, although other military hospitals existed in Budějovice already from August 1914. The reason for this assumption is that this was the hospital to which Jaroslav Hašek himself was admitted on 6 March 1915. Here he was diagnosed with rheumatism and heart problems. He was placed in room No. 77[a].
The hospital was located in the former k.k. Landwehr barracks. The building is still in military use and is located near the railway station at in Žižkova třída, in 1915 still Radeckého třída - Radetzkystrasse.
Hašek later spent some time for recuperation in a military hospital in the so-called Linz-suburb[b]. It is obviously possible that this is the hospital Einjährigfreiwilliger Marek nipped out from, but since the latter was located quite far from the centre the former is the more likely inspiration.
There is to our knowledge no firm evidence that the episode with Krankenbuch actually took place. Radko Pytlík is content to state "perhaps"[a] whereas Kejla categorically claims that it was not the reason why Hašek was expelled from the reserve officer's school. According to him the reason for his expulsion was rather mundane: behaviour not in line with what was expected of a k.u.k. officer[c].
Hašek's sick story started on 6 March 1915 when he was admitted to hospital. On 8 April he was investigated by doctors with view to a possible superarbitration and an application was signed by dr. Peterka on the 12th. On 30 April he was declared fit for lighter duties, a verdict signed by Peterka and higher ranking officers like Karl Schlager and Pallweber. On 25 May the verdict was confirmed by k.u.k. Miltärkommando Prag. His stay at hospitals in Budějovice may conceivably be mirrored in Švejk's experiences at Vojenská nemocnice Hradčany, but this is a mere assumption.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Může být,“ připouštěl jednoroční dobrovolník, „že při té tahanici padlo pár pohlavků, ale to myslím nic na věci nemění, poněvadž je to vyložený omyl. On sám přiznává, že jsem řekl: ,Servus, Franci’ a jeho křestní jméno je Anton. To je úplně jasné. Mně snad může škodit jenom to, že jsem utekl z nemocnice, a jestli to praskne s tím ,krankenbuchem’...
[II.2] Vracel jsem se na svou postel do nemocnice až k ránu, a když mě v noci zastavila patrola, ukázal jsem jí na svůj krankenbuch 91. regimentu a víc se mne nikdo na nic neptal. Ve vratech nemocnice opět mlčky ukázal jsem na knihu a nějak jsem se vždy do postele dostal.
- Raněný český spisovatel v Č. Budějovicích, ,13.3.1915 [a]
- Toulavé house, ,1971 [b]
- Jak to bylo v bitvě u Chorupan kde se dal Jaroslav Hašek zajmout, ,1972 [c]
- Vojenské posádky v Budějovicích v roce 1906, ,
- Jaroslav Hašek v Českých Budějovicích, František Skřivánek,14.8.1954
- Jaroslav Hašek v Č. Budějovicích, Jaroslav Šťastný,5.5.1963
a | Raněný český spisovatel v Č. Budějovicích | 13.3.1915 | |
b | Toulavé house | 1971 | |
c | Jak to bylo v bitvě u Chorupan kde se dal Jaroslav Hašek zajmout | 1972 |
Port Arthur | ||||||
Budějovice III./326, Rudolfovská tř. | ||||||
Port Arthur was a brothel in Budějovice that was visited daily by Einjährigfreiwilliger Marek. By doing this he hoped to contract venereal diseases and thus get declared unfit for service. Later in the chapter it is revealed that it was the scene of brawls between soldiers from the infantry and artillery.
Port Arthur is commonly known as the European term for Lüshunkou, a harbour in Manchuria that was besieged and captured by Japanese forces during the Russo-Japanese war in 1904-05.
Brothel from 1904
More important in the context of The Good Soldier Švejk is that a brothel named Port Arthur (also written Port Artur) actually existed in Budějovice at the time when Jaroslav Hašek served in the city. The establishment was located in Rudolfovská třída in the eastern outskirts of the city, on or near a hill called Pěkná vyhlídka (de. Schöne Aussicht). The name literally means "Pretty View".
In January 1904 Jan Filip bought the inn Na pěkné vyhlídce[a] and in the autumn it was already operating as a brothel after it had been awarded a license[b]. From the first moment there were reports in the newspapers about disorder, a fact that may have led to the nick-name "Port Artur", inspired by the war in the far east and the siege of the port that at the time was under way.
In 1906 the owner Jan Filip was mentioned in the newspapers, accused of having betrayed the Czech nation and sold his vote for the city council election to the German mayor G(Josef Taschek). For this favour it was claimed that he was granted a license to run a brothel[c].
The following year "Port Artur" again appeared in the news due to disturbances, but the negative items from the Czech press smells of a smear campaign against the "Judas" Filip, the German national Taschek, and Germans in general. Newspapers were at this time, be it German or Czech, replete with chauvinistic outbursts.
The 1910 census
In 1909 a Bernard Machatý bought the property[d] and built stables behind the house. The 1910 census reveals that 8 people lived at the address and strikingly enough six of them were young women and four of them are listed as prostitutes. Two hostesses were listed: Rosalie Blažek og Barbora Pachek. The owner Machaty was born in 1874 in Chrudim, divorced, and listed with profession "trade in beer and wine"[e]. The census also reveals that he owned six horses and eight pigs, that the house had four windows facing the street and altogether six facing the rear and the sides.
1914 - 1918
The business seems to have gone badly because in March 1914 much the inventory was auctioned off[f]. In May some newspaper reported that the entire building was to follow and this was to happen on 3 July[g]. In August 1914 it was reported that the waiter at Prostituiertenheim des B. Machaty in der Rudolfstädterstraße had suddenly died from a heart cramp[h].
In June 1915 there was news item about two thieves who had been arrested and they had been drinking at "a certain brothel" in Rudolfovská třída[i]. In 1917 it was noted that Rosalie Blažková as landlady at the premises had been fined after having ignored the mandatory closing time[j].
Horses and furniture
In October 1918 Theodor Löwy sold the building to the horse trader Felix Vazda[k]. When Löwy bought the property and from whom is not known. In 1920 Václav Vazda moved here from Ledenice and established a successful furniture factory. It existed until 1950 when it was nationalised[l].
Recent information
Port Arthur was not an official name and it has proved difficult to locate with certainty. Newspaper clips however leaves not doubt that the site was house No. 326 in Rudolfovská třída but because of changes in house numbering over the years the current numbers give few leads. Local historian Milan Binder informs that buildings in Budějovice have been renumbered twice, the latest in 1979.
In June 2023 it was finally brought to light who owned the brothel at the time when Jaroslav Hašek served in Budějovice, and also exactly where it was located. Mrs. Renata Schmidtmajerová contacted Jaroslav Šerák and passed on unique information, including a picture of the "mama" who ran the establishment from 1913 to 1915, Rozálie Blažková.
In 2021 local historian Jan Shinko published a more detailed article about Port Arthur appeared in a regional newspaper, supplied by a related web article[m].
Renata Schmidtmajerová
Do roku 1913 byl vlastník Bernard Machatý, poté Rozálie Blažková (prababička mého manžela Josefa Schmidtmajera). V roce 1915 prodala nemovitost Vincenzi Machatému (otci Bernarda Machatého), později byl vlastníkem Vazda (známá firma s nábytkem). A teď to hlavní: Port Artur stál v místě, dnešní číslo domu je 213/74 na Rudolfovské (přikládám obrázek), na pravé straně kdysi stály stáje, ty byly zbourané, dnes tam stojí Lidl. Dům stojí dodnes.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Denně jsem chodil do „Port Arthuru“, někteří kolegové už dostali zánět varlat, řezali jim pauchy, a já jsem byl pořád imunní. Smůla, kamaráde, nekřesťanská. Až jsem se ti jednou „U růže“ seznámil s jedním invalidou z Hluboké.
[II.2] Jak se seprali v „Port Arthuru“, „U růže“ a v jiných četných zábavních místnostech jihočeské metropole.
Credit: Jan Schinko, Renata Schmidtmajerová, Jaroslav Šerák
- Port Arthur, ,2018 - 2023
- Románové restaurační a jiné zábavní podniky, ,2009 - 2021
- Port Artur na Rudolfovské končil dražbou klisen i věšáků, ,8.4.2021 [l]
- Sčitání lidu 1910, , [e]
- Z kruhů hostinských, ,6.1.1904 [a]
- Změny držebnosti, ,8.1.1904
- Nová atrakce v Českých Budějovicích, ,2.11.1904 [b]
- Také novinka z "Port Arturu", ,30.11.1904
- Zradil národ za — 'bordel', ,7.11.1906 [c]
- Co je v Č. Budějovicích možné, ,8.4.1907
- Kde byla v noci na minulou sobotu policie..., ,13.7.1907
- Změny držebnosti, ,30.7.1909 [d]
- Versteigerungs-Edikt, ,3.3.1914 [f]
- Exekuční dražby nemovitostí, ,20.5.1914 [g]
- An Herzkrämpfen plötzlich gestorben, ,19.8.1914 [h]
- Zatčení lupiči, ,5.6.1915 [i]
- Kurze Freuden, ,10.7.1915
- Politické tresty, ,14.4.1917 [j]
- Besitzwechsel, ,18.10.1918 [k]
- Nevěstince v Českých Budějovicích, ,25.2.2021 [m]
a | Z kruhů hostinských | 6.1.1904 | |
b | Nová atrakce v Českých Budějovicích | 2.11.1904 | |
c | Zradil národ za — 'bordel' | 7.11.1906 | |
d | Změny držebnosti | 30.7.1909 | |
e | Sčitání lidu 1910 | ||
f | Versteigerungs-Edikt | 3.3.1914 | |
g | Exekuční dražby nemovitostí | 20.5.1914 | |
h | An Herzkrämpfen plötzlich gestorben | 19.8.1914 | |
i | Zatčení lupiči | 5.6.1915 | |
j | Politické tresty | 14.4.1917 | |
k | Besitzwechsel | 18.10.1918 | |
l | Port Artur na Rudolfovské končil dražbou klisen i věšáků | 8.4.2021 | |
m | Nevěstince v Českých Budějovicích | 25.2.2021 |
U růže | ||||||
Budějovice/-, Pražská ul. 5 | ||||||
U růže was a pub in Budějovice that is mentioned as Einjährigfreiwilliger Marek met a cripple from Hluboká here who could help him with rheumatism. Later in the chapter it is revealed that it was the scene of brawls between soldiers from the infantry and artillery.
U růže (The Rose) probably refers to U bílé růže, a pub two doors north of Mariánská kasárna in Pražská ulice 5, Budějovice. The inn has existed at least from 1879 and was used also for meetings, for instance election gatherings. In 1884 František Smauš announced that he had taken over the inn that at the time also was known as U hlavů. In 1896 there were puppet shows here and the landlord at the time was Jindřich Kopecký. He is also listed as innkeeper in 1905 when he advertised a carousel for sale. This apparatus has surely had its place in the restaurant's garden. In the 1890s they sold beer from Protivín but we don't know if this was still the case in 1915.
The landlord as of 31 December 1910 was František Vostl (also written Wostl), a person Jaroslav Hašek most definitely would have known as he is still listed as innkeeper in 1915. Vostl also ran a horse cab business and traded in fish. He died on 22 June 1933 at the age of 62. He was landlord at U bílé růže at least until 1924 and frequently placed adverts in Jihočeské listy wishing his customers "Happy New Year". The premises were used as an inn even after World War II and he building was demolished as late as 1992.
Hašek at The White Rose
An article in Jihočeské listy from 1937 confirms that Jaroslav Hašek visited the pub back in 1915. He entertained guests with his patriotic shouting. The article is signed with the pseudonym Al. Terego mentions that the pub also was called simply "U růže"[a].
An alternative
Einjährigfreiwilliger Marek may also have had the café U černého růže (Zur schwarzen Rose) in mind. It was situated on the corner of Piaristická ulice and Česká ulice. This hypothesis is however much weaker as the joint was located further away from the barracks and it also seems to have been largely frequented by Germans. Proprietor in 1915 was Anna Czech.
Milan Binder
Zmiňovaná hospoda "U růže" bude určitě hospoda "U bílá růže", která byla hned vedle Mariánských kasáren. Informace o ní najdete také v knize "Zaniklé hospody", na straně 157 a 158.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Denně jsem chodil do ,Port Arthuru’, někteří kolegové už dostali zánět varlat, řezali jim pauchy, a já jsem byl pořád imunní. Smůla, kamaráde, nekřesťanská. Až jsem se ti jednou ,U růže’ seznámil s jedním invalidou z Hluboké. Ten mně řekl, abych jednou v neděli k němu přišel na návštěvu, a na druhý den že budu mít nohy jako konve. Měl doma tu jehlu i stříkačku, a já jsem opravdu sotva došel z Hluboké domů.
[II.2] V tom posledním byla soustředěna všechna zášť 91. regimentu proti dělostřelectvu v Budějovicích. Běda dělostřelci, který padl v noci do rukou patroly od pluku a naopak. Zášť hrozná, nesmiřitelná, vendetta, krevní msta, dědící se z ročníku na ročník, provázená na obou stranách tradičními historkami, jak buď infanteristi naházeli dělostřelce do Vltavy, nebo opačně. Jak se seprali v „Port Arthuru“, „U růže“ a v jiných četných zábavních místnostech jihočeské metropole.
Credit: Milan Binder, Jihočeské listy, Budivoj
Also written:The RoseenZur RosedeVed rosano
- Románové restaurační a jiné zábavní podniky, ,2009 - 2021
- Chytilův úplný adresář Království Českého, ,1915
- Koncert, ,13.3.1879
- "U bílé růže" (U Hlavů), ,29.6.1884
- Protívinské pivo, ,26.2.1893
- Jindř. Kopeckého loutkové divadlo, ,17.10.1896
- Kolotoč, ,11.2.1905
- Diebstahl, ,9.5.1915
- Café "Zur schwarzen Rose" - Prosit Neujahr, ,31.12.1915
- Umrtí, ,24.6.1933
- Pražká silnice č.p. 6, ,9.1.1937 [a]
a | Pražká silnice č.p. 6 | 9.1.1937 |
Měšťanská beseda | ||||||
Budějovice/-, Na Sádech - | ||||||
Měšťanská beseda does according to Einjährigfreiwilliger Marek serve good food, as opposed to the garrison arrest where he and Švejk are locked up.
Later in the chapter while still sitting in the arrest Einjährigfreiwilliger Marek mentions the place again. He knows the officer on duty, Leutnant Pelikán, from here. Here he uses the name Česká beseda but we can safely assume that he has the same place in mind.
Měšťanská beseda was a community building, restaurant and hotel in Budějovice that existed from 1870, owned by the citizen's association Českobudějovická Beseda[a]. It was primarily used by the Czech part of the city's population and it was here Český akciovný pivovar (now known as Budweiser Budvar) was founded on 21 January 1894[b]. The brewery commenced operation in 1895 and it is a foregone conclusion that the restaurant served beer from this brewery (and they still did at the outbreak of war).
From September 1914 and at least until 1922 the Beseda restaurant was run by Vilém Sandholec, brother of the owner of Hotel Slunce[c] at Budějovické náměstí (the square). According to Radko Pytlík the restaurant was indeed frequented by Jaroslav Hašek so Einjährigfreiwilliger Marek presumably knew well what he was talking about. In 1924 the building was revamped and in 2015 the restaurant was still there but we don't know if it's been operating continuously.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Himlhergot, není co kouřit, kamaráde. Nechcete, abych vás naučil plivat na strop? Podívejte se, to se dělá takhle. Myslete si přitom něco, a vaše přání se splní. Jestli rád pijete pivo, mohu vám odporučiti výbornou vodu tamhle ve džbáně. Máte-li hlad a chcete-li chutně pojíst, doporučuji vám ,Měšťanskou besedu’.
[II.2] „To je profous,“ řekl jednoroční dobrovolník, „jde s ním lajtnant Pelikán, který má dnes službu. Je to reservní důstojník, můj známý z ,České besedy’, v civilu je matematikem v jedné pojišťovně. Od toho dostaneme cigarety. Řveme jen dál.“
Credit: Radko Pytlík, Milan Binder, Jihočeské listy
Also written:City ClubParrottBurghers'ClubSadlonBürgerressourcedeBorgarklubbenno
- Románové restaurační a jiné zábavní podniky, ,2009 - 2021
- Paměti Besedy Česko-Budějovické 1862-1902, ,1903
- Českobudějovická Beseda, ,
- Beseda českobudějovická, , [a]
- Budějovický Budvar, , [b]
- Beseda má zase nového hostinského, ,24.9.1914 [c]
a | Beseda českobudějovická | ||
b | Budějovický Budvar | ||
c | Beseda má zase nového hostinského | 24.9.1914 |
Budějovický berní uřád | |||||
Budějovický berní uřád is mentioned by Einjährigfreiwilliger Marek when he tells Švejk that after leaving the hospital with his Krankenbuch he changed into civilian clothes at some acquaintance's from the tax office.
Budějovický berní uřád surely refers to one of the two (or three) tax offices in Budějovice. These were Městský berní úřad / Städtisches Steueramt and c.k. berní úřad / k.k. Steueramt (city and state tax office respectively). The latter was from 1905 located in Justiční palác / Justizpalast by the river Malše slightly south of the city centre. We don't know where the former was housed but the City Hall at Budějovické náměstí is a probable location. There may also have been a tax office or financial function related to hejtmanství.
According to Radko Pytlík the author of The Good Soldier Švejk indeed changed into civilian clothes at home by an official from the tax office. His name was allegedly J. Neproud[b]. No person with this combination of surname and occupation is listed in the address book from 1915[a] but some Josef Neproud worked in a bank. Pytlík's source is unknown but presumably it is from one of the many reminiscences of Hašek in Budějovice that were collected after World War II.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Pak šel jsem k jednomu známému úředníkovi od berního úřadu, tam jsem se převlékl do civilu a šel jsem do hospody, kde jsme vedli ve známé společnosti různé velezrádné řeči.
- Chytilův úplný adresář Království Českého, ,1915 [a]
- Osudy a cesty Josefa Švejka. 2003
- Kollaudierung des neuen Justizgebäudes, ,11.3.1905
- Ein Rundgang durch das neue Justizgebäude, ,22.4.1905
a | Chytilův úplný adresář Království Českého | 1915 | |
b | Osudy a cesty Josefa Švejka | 2003 |
Budweiser Einjährigfreiwilligenschule | ||||||
Budweiser Einjährigfreiwilligenschule was the school that Einjährigfreiwilliger Marek was expelled from after the episode with the Krankenbuch. He uses several terms for the school: officers school, simply "the school" and also one-year volunteer school. Later it was revealed that the head of the school was Hauptmann Ságner.
Budweiser Einjährigfreiwilligenschule refers to the reserve officer's school of Infanterieregiment Nr. 91 in Budějovice. It was located on the upper (second) floor of Mariánská kasárna and the officer candidates also had their quarters here[a]. On this floor were also located the offices of the school's commander and his assistant, the Dienstführender Feldwebel. How many officer's aspirants the school produced is not known, but we have a rough indication. From k.k. Landwehrinfanterieregiment Nr. 29 (also in Budějovice), the class that graduated in late December 1914, 49 Kadett-Aspiranten finished the course[e].
Josef Novotný
Thanks to the diary of Josef Novotný[d] we have some information about the school. The course itself lasted for approximately eight weeks, but the one-year volunteers were even before entering separated from their Ersatzkompanie and assembled in a so-called Einjährigfreiwilliger-Abteilung where they served while waiting for the current class to finish. The first class of officer apprentices started 1 November 1914 and graduated by the turn of the year. The commander of the school was initially Hauptmann Julius Pleban and instructors were Oberleutnant Rudolf Lukas and Leutnant Livora. The former was a "serious and strict German who knew this trade". The latter was an "incompetent Jewish accountant who hated Czechs". He was soon replaced by reserve lieutenant Josef Wolf, a forest warden from Gratzen (Nové Hrady) who also "hated Czechs". Later lieutenant Viktor Kabelák joined, he was "perhaps a Czech, but a renegade". Lukas was according to his Vormerkblatt instructor at the school from 16 October to 9 December 1914 so Novotný presumably had little to do with him.
Novotný himself started in the second course after New Year 1915 and by then Oberstleutnant Otto Husserl had assumed command of the course. Novotný remembers fellow soldiers like the well-liked German Josef Blätterbauer and also Hans Bigler. The latter was "ambitious, immature, touchy, and presented himself as a Swiss who had volunteered for service out of enthusiasm". He was every bit as enthusiastic as Kadett Biegler in The Good Soldier Švejk and was likewise an object of ridicule. Novotný even claims that it was Bigler's fault that Blätterbauer fell in Carpathians, but this can't be true because Bigler never served there. He arrived at the front first time on 11 July 1915 and by then Blätterbauer was already reported missing.
Novotný was, together with around 20 other Czechs, expelled from the course and claims that Germans were favoured, especially by the German Höfer, a Dienstführender Feldwebel from Krumlov. Novotný was never told the reason why he was expelled. It could have been his strained relation with Höfer, that he was often ill, or that he had applied for a transfer to other regiments because his German was poor. The process was thus very different to what Einjährigfreiwilliger Marek experienced in The Good Soldier Švejk: that the matter was escalated to regimental report and the verdict announced in front of the men.
Hauptmann Adamička
On 20 January 1915 captain Josef Adamička assumed command of the school but he left for the front with the 8th march battalion on 18 March 1915. Franta Hofer remembered that Adamička took a liking to the future author of The Good Soldier Švejk and even invited him to the officer's dining room to entertain the gentlemen with anecdotes about priests and Jews[a].
Hašek at the school
Hašek reported at IR. 91/I. Ersatzkompanie in Budějovice on 17 March 1915 but he did not enroll straight away. In the beginning, he wore civilian clothes together with the rank and file and started at the school when his uniform was ready. Like Einjährigfreiwilliger Marek he was eventually expelled but we have no documents that record when he started or quit, nor anything about the cause for his dismissal. Kejla assumed it was due to behaviour that didn't befit a future reserve offiscr[b], whereas Hofer refrains from making assumptions. The latter noted that even though the amusing author was popular there were also those who were envious because Adamička favoured him[a].
It is also likely that the sick record weighed towards the decision to expel Hašek. He was admitted to hospital already on 6 March 1915 and the application for superarbitration was submitted on 8 April. He must therefore have missed much of the education and training. In the third class (March - April) there were a few officer's candidates who later wrote about Hašek's time there. Amongst these were Jaroslav Kejla and Franta Hofer.
Gott strafe England
Hašek told his own versions of what happened at the school. First through his alter ego Einjährigfreiwilliger Marek in the novel but also the story Gott strafe England from 1917. In this account, the goodwill that Adamička two years earlier had shown towards the author was by no means appreciated. His former superior was ridiculed as a clown who at any occasion promoted the slogan Gott strafe England and Hašek given the task of writing a patriotic poem. This he did but the poem was not well received and Hašek was given 30 days severe arrest[c].
The rest of the war
Who succeeded Adamička as head of the school we don't know but it may well have been Čeněk Sagner. This was after all a role his literary counterpart Hauptmann Ságner had in The Good Soldier Švejk. Another candidate is Franz Wenzel whose literary counterpart in some respect succeeded Adamička from the novel. Novotný estimates that during the war about 20 courses were held by the school for reserve officers. Sometime after Ersatzbataillon IR. 91 was moved to Bruck/Királyhida (1 June 1915) the school was merged with the schools from the other units in the garrison. The 14th course started in April 1917 and the by now battle-hardened Novotný was admitted and completed the course. More in the entry on the school in Bruck (TBD).
About one-year volunteers and reserve officer's schools
One-year volunteer was an entitlement given to young men with middle and higher education. They had the option to serve for one year instead of the compulsory three (since 1912 two years), providing they paid for their own equipment. The system was created in 1868 modelled after Prussia and was functioning until 1918. The motive was that it would save the state money and wouldn't unduly damage the careers of the recruits. The "volunteer" part was also that soldier could (but didn't have to) attend a course to become a reserve officer during his term of service. Those who didn't pass the reserve officer's exam had to serve another year, but this duty was abolished in 1912. The one-year volunteer could also apply to serve outside his home unit, but this was only granted when the manpower situation of the units in questions allowed it.
The one-year volunteer was expected to buy his own equipment whereas k.u.k. Militärärar provided accommodation (if the soldier wanted). Eligibility depended on the recruit having completed the eight-year middle school (gymnasium, "Realschule", teacher's academy, commercial academy or similar). It was up to the candidate to apply for the right as a one-year volunteer, and everyone had to pass an exam. Someone who was sentenced for property crimes or immorality automatically lost the right to serve for one year.
Thus Reserveoffizier-Schulen was an institution that educated one-year volunteers to become reserve officers. It may first appear that Jaroslav Hašek is wrong in using the terms "one-year volunteer school" or "school for one-year volunteers", but this is not the case. Until the army reforms of 1912, the schools were officially called Einjährig-Freiwilligenschule. Obsolete terms generally stick for years after the change has taken place (see for instance Salmova ulice).
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Ať si nemyslí, že když mne pošlou na front, že dám jednu ránu. Regimentsraport! Vyloučení ze školy! Ať žije c. k. kretenismus! Budu já jim dřepět ve škole a skládat zkoušky. Kadet, fähnrich, lajtnant, obrlajtnant. Naseru jim! Offiziersschule. Behandlung jener Schüler derselben, welche einen Jahrgang repetieren müssen!
[II.2] Narukoval jsem ve vysokých botách a na hlavě jsem měl cylindr, a poněvadž mně krejčí včas nedodal uniformu, tak jsem přišel za školou jednoročáků na cvičiště i ve vysokých botách a v cylindru a postavil jsem se do řady a mašíroval s nimi na levém flangu.
[II.2] Hejtman Ságner, který má na starosti školu jednoročních dobrovolníků, vidí v Schröderovi pravý typ vojáka, ačkoliv plukovník Schröder nebojí se ničeho tak jako toho, kdyby měl jít do pole.
[II.2] Konečně se objevil zachmuřený plukovník v průvodu hejtmana Ságnera ze školy jednoročních dobrovolníků, nervózně sekaje bičíkem přes holinku svých vysokých bot.
[II.2] Pane hejtmane," zvolal na Ságnera, "přiveďte sem celou školu jednoročních dobrovolníků.
[II.2] Škola jednoročních dobrovolníků vstoupila na nádvoří. „Do čtverce!“ rozkázal plukovník. Obklopili souzené i plukovníka úzkým čtvercem.
[II.2] "Nicméně," pokračoval plukovník, "taková věc se musí bezpříkladně potrestat, chlap musí být vyloučen ze školy jednoročních dobrovolníků, morálně zničen. Máme už dost takových inteligentů v armádě. Regimentskanzlei!"
[II.2] Obraceje se ke škole jednoročních dobrovolníků, dal plukovník rozkaz k seřazení.
[II.2] Řekněte jim, že celá škola jednoročních dobrovolníků má po pět dní kasárníka, aby nikdy nezapomněli pna svého bývalého kolegu, toho lumpa Marka."
Credit: Franta Hofer, Jaroslav Kejla, Josef Novotný
1. | An example is the article about Jaroslav Hašek in Spanish Wikipedia. Unfortunately this article also contains many other factual errors. |
- Jednoroční dobrovolníci rakousko-uherské armády, ,
- Jednoroční praesenční služba vojenská, ,1910
- Der k.k. Einjährig-Freiwillige des stehenden (Gemeisamen) Heeres und Landwehr, ,
- Zákon branný, ,1869
- Reserveoffiziere, Hugo Schmied,1916
- Einjährig-Freiwilligen-Recht, ,22.5.1912
- Officer Aspirant Insignia in the k.u.k. Army/k.k./k.u. Landwehr 1867-1918, ,2001 - 2016
- Instruktionsbuch für die Einjährigfreiwilligen, ,
- Jak se Jaroslav Hašek učil oficírem, , [a]
- Jak to bylo v bitvě u Chorupan kde se dal Jaroslav Hašek zajmout, ,1972 [b]
- Gott strafe England, Jaroslav Hašek,15.10.1917 [c]
- Z mých válečných pamětí, ,2021 [d]
- Kameradschafts-Abend, ,29.12.1914 [e]
a | Jak se Jaroslav Hašek učil oficírem | ||
b | Jak to bylo v bitvě u Chorupan kde se dal Jaroslav Hašek zajmout | 1972 | |
c | Gott strafe England | Jaroslav Hašek | 15.10.1917 |
d | Z mých válečných pamětí | 2021 | |
e | Kameradschafts-Abend | 29.12.1914 |
Budweiser Übungsplatz | |||||
Budweiser Übungsplatz is mentioned by Einjährigfreiwilliger Marek when he in the cell in Budějovice tells Švejk about his first appearance at the trainings ground. He was dressed in civilian attire, including a bowler-hat and high boots. Oberst Schröder was furious and gave him 14 days arrest.
Budweiser Übungsplatz refers to a military training ground in Budějovice, Einjährigfreiwilliger Marek only refers to it as "the training ground". In 1915 IR. 91 exercised at various places in and around the city but the main training ground at was Čtyři Dvory / Vierhöf. It was located 4 kilometres west of the centre and this is surely the place Marek had in mind.
Marek turning up in civilian clothes at the military training ground is a motif inspired by Hašek's own experience. The author of The Good Soldier Švejk also appeared there in civilian clothes and Kejla can confirm that this indeed happened at Čtyři Dvory in February 1915[a].
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Narukoval jsem ve vysokých botách a na hlavě jsem měl cylindr, a poněvadž mně krejčí včas nedodal uniformu, tak jsem přišel za školou jednoročáků na cvičiště i ve vysokých botách a v cylindru a postavil jsem se do řady a mašíroval s nimi na levém flangu.
[II.2] To už zvolal jen, že zítra mám jít k regimentsraportu, a hnal to na koni ze vzteku až bůhvíkam jako divoký jezdec, a zas přicválal, opět nanovo řval, zuřil, bil se v prsa a poručil mne okamžitě ze cvičiště odstranit a dát na hauptwachu.
[II.2] Honí vás na cvičišti po celý den a na noc vás ještě zavřou. Tak se stalo, že u kumpanie Dauerlinga nebylo marodů. ,Kumpanienmarodi’ seděli v díře. Dauerling stále zachovává na cvičišti onen nenucený kasárenský tón, začínající slovem svině a končící podivnou zoologickou záhadou: svinským psem.
[II.2] Na začátku zimy, než jsem šel do nemocnice, cvičili jsme na cvičišti vedle 11. kompanie, a když byl rast, měl Dauerling řeč k svým českým rekrutům:...
Credit: Jan Ciglbauer, Jaroslav Kejla, Josef Novotný
Also written:Budějovická cvičištěcz
a | Jak to bylo v bitvě u Chorupan kde se dal Jaroslav Hašek zajmout | 1972 |
11. Kompanie | ||||||
11. Kompanie (the 11th company) is first mentioned by Einjährigfreiwilliger Marek as the unit where the brutal junior officers Korporal Althof, Gefreiter Müller, and Feldwebel Sondernummer tyrannise and verbally abuse recruits, first and foremost Czechs. As if this wasn't enough the notorious Fähnrich Dauerling served as an instructor in the company.
In [II.4] the company is mentioned again, now explicitly as a march company. Oberst Schröder tells Oberleutnant Lukáš that the company has been formed and is to be sent to the front within a week. It would be commanded by Lukáš with Švejk as his messenger.
11. Kompanie is not unambiguously identifiable but the numbering indicates that it was meant one of the 16 field companies of Infanterieregiment Nr. 91. This assumption does however have a weakness. The plot at this stage takes place at the replacement battalion in Budějovice whereas the field companies had been fighting at the front since the start of the war. Thus one would assume that the company was an Ersatzkompanie or Marschkompanie. However, this is at odds with the fact that in 1915 these companies were never numbered as high as 11. The march battalions usually consisted of 4 companies and the reserve battalions rarely more than that.
This contradiction is rather a result of the author’s disregard for details like the numbering of military units and the logical connection between them. This is best illustrated by Švejk's own 11. Marschkompanie, a unit that never existed in 1915 but rather reflected 11. Feldkompanie.
11. Feldkompanie
The company was one of four in III. Feldbataillon, and from 11 July to 24 September 1915 Jaroslav Hašek himself served here. This is obviously the reason why 11. Kompanie and 11. Marschkompanie is mentioned so often in The Good Soldier Švejk. Hašek was a messenger in the company, serving in the same role as Švejk had in the 11. march company.
Company commander during the period Hašek served was Rudolf Lukas, a parallel to the position Oberleutnant Lukáš held in the fictional march company. During this period the company reported to Čeněk Sagner and his III. Feldbataillon. This hierarchy in the field again mirrors that of the fictional march units as Hauptmann Ságner in The Good Soldier Švejk was commander in Švejk's unnumbered march battalion. Other models for characters in the novel also served in the company: Hans Bigler and Jan Vaněk in addition to the more peripheral inspirations František Strašlipka and Emanuél Michálek.
11. Feldkompanie was like other units repeatedly decimated. This happened for instance on 23 March 1915 in the Carpathians, during the battles by Złota Lipa in early July 1915, by Sokal at the end of July the same year and again by Chorupan on 24 September 1915. At the time when Jaroslav Hašek's XII. Marschbataillon arrived at the front, the company had ceased to exist altogether and was only reconstituted when this march battalion joined the regiment on 11 July.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] U 11. kompanie kaprál Althof používá slova: engadinská koza. Svobodník Müller, německý učitel z Kašperských Hor, nazývá nováčky českými smraďochy, šikovatel Sondernummer volskou žábou, yorkshirským kancem a slibuje přitom, že každého rekruta vydělá.
[II.2] Přitom všechny šarže 11. kompanie koulí očima jako ubohý pes, který z hltavosti spolkne houbu namočenou v oleji a nemůže ji dostat z krku.
[II.2] Nyní vám, kamaráde, musím něco říct o Dauerlingovi,“ pokračoval jednoroční dobrovolník, „o něm si vypravují rekruti u 11. kompanie tak, jako nějaká opuštěná babička na farmě v blízkosti mexických hranic bájí o nějakém slavném mexickém banditovi.
[II.2] Na začátku zimy, než jsem šel do nemocnice, cvičili jsme na cvičišti vedle 11. kompanie, a když byl rast, měl Dauerling řeč k svým českým rekrutům:
[II.4] Během týdne bude vypravena marška na ruský front. Jste nejstarším důstojníkem u 11. kompanie, pojedete s ní jako kompaniekomandant.
Stephansdom | |||||
Wien I., Stephansplatz | |||||
Stephansdom is mentioned because Fähnrich Dauerling's teacher wanted to jump off the steeple of this cathedral due to his pupil's gross stupidity.
Stephansdom (Saint Stephen's Cathedral) is the most important cathedral in Vienna and one of the city's major attractions. It is located in the historical centre of the city. Construction started in 1137 and has been completed in stages over the years, with the latest being a new roof after a fire at the end of World War II. Südturm is by far the tallest of the steeples and reaches 136.7 metres[a].
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Mladý Dauerling po hrozném zápase s čtyřmi třídami nižší reálky, které vystudoval soukromě, přičemž předčasně zešedivěl a zblbl jeho domácí učitel a druhý chtěl skočit v zoufalství se svatoštěpánské věže ve Vídni, přišel do hainburské kadetní školy. V kadetce se nikdy nedbalo na předběžné vzdělání, neboť to většinou nehodí se pro rakouské aktivní důstojníky.
Also written:Saint Stephen's CathedralenDóm svatého ŠtěpánaczStephansdomde
- History, ,
- Stephansdom, , [a]
a | Stephansdom |
Hainburger Kadettenschule | ||||||
Hainburg an der Donau, Freiunggasse | ||||||
Hainburger Kadettenschule is mentioned as Einjährigfreiwilliger Marek tells Švejk about the moronic Fähnrich Dauerling who did his training at this school.
Hainburger Kadettenschule was a military educational establishment that existed from 1869 and to 1918. The institution was located in the former castle beneath Schlossberg in Hainburg and the official name was Pionierkadettenschule as it educated officers for the engineer troops. The education lasted four years and the capacity was 100 students.
In 1913 the school was merged with Technische Militärakademie in Mödling and the branch in Hainburg was thereafter named Technische Militärakademie - Pionierklassen[a]. Commander of the school in 1914 was Oberstleutnant Theodor Weidinger (1857-1938) from Pionierbataillon Nr. 2 (Linz).
After World War I the building was used as ordinary barracks, in 1945 taken over by the Red Army who left it in such a state that it had to be demolished[b].
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Mladý Dauerling po hrozném zápase s čtyřmi třídami nižší reálky, které vystudoval soukromě, přičemž předčasně zešedivěl a zblbl jeho domácí učitel a druhý chtěl skočit v zoufalství se svatoštěpánské věže ve Vídni, přišel do hainburské kadetní školy. V kadetce se nikdy nedbalo na předběžné vzdělání, neboť to většinou nehodí se pro rakouské aktivní důstojníky.
[II.2] Žák kadetky Dauerling nevynikal ani v těch předmětech, které každý jakžtakž ovládal. I v kadetce bylo znát stopy toho, že si Dauerling v mládí narazil hlavičku.
[II.2] ... že profesoři kadetky jinak ho nenazývali než ,unser braver Trottel’.
Also written:Hainburská kadetní školacz
- Geschichte Hainburgs, ,
- Kalender mit Ansichten Hainburg einst und jetzt, ,2010 [b]
- 50 Jahre Militär-Bildungsanstalt, ,29.9.1918
- AT-OeStA/KA MEB PKS Hainburg, , [a]
- Schematismus für das k.u.k. Heer (s. 1088), ,1914
- Generalmajor d. R. Theodor Weidinger, ,6.5.1938
- Der Oberste Kriegsherr und sein Stab, ,1908
a | AT-OeStA/KA MEB PKS Hainburg | ||
b | Kalender mit Ansichten Hainburg einst und jetzt | 2010 |
Theresianische Militärakademie | ||||||
Wiener Neustadt, Burgplatz 1 | ||||||
Theresianische Militärakademie is the academy where, according to Einjährigfreiwilliger Marek, the biggest idiots end up.
Theresianische Militärakademie (Theresian Military Academy) is the oldest existing military academy in the world, located in Wiener Neustadt. It was founded by empress Maria Theresa on 14 December 1751 and educated officers for infantry and cavalry. The course lasted for 3 years and graduates automatically obtained the rank Leutnant. Today it is Austria's only remaining military educational establishment.
The academy was then like now located in the castle and has been known as Theresianische Militärakademie since 1894. The commander in 1914 was Feldmarschall-Leutnant Joseph Roth (1859-1927) who from August served in the field. He particularly distinguished himself during the battle by Limanowa in December[a].
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Jeho odpovědi při zkouškách jasně hovořily o tom neštěstí a vynikaly takovou pitomostí, a byly považovány přímo za klasické pro svou hlubokou pitomost a popletenost, že profesoři kadetky jinak ho nenazývali než ,unser braver Trottel’. Jeho hloupost byla tak oslňující, že byla největší naděje, že snad po několika desetiletích dostane se do tereziánské vojenské akademie či do ministerstva vojenství.
Also written:Theresian Military AcademyenTereziánská vojenská akademieczTheresianum Katonai Akadémiahu
- Schematismus für das k.u.k. Heer (s. 1088), ,1914
- Josef Freiherr Roth von Limanowa-Lapanów, , [a]
- Der Oberste Kriegsherr und sein Stab, ,1908
a | Josef Freiherr Roth von Limanowa-Lapanów |
Kutnohorský hotel | |||||
Kutnohorský hotel was the scene of a row between Major Wenzl (then still a captain) and the head waiter of the hotel restaurant. The captain called the waiter "Czech rabble" and this caused waves all the way to Reichsrat since Kadettstellvertreter Zítko had revealed the episode to the local newspaper.
Kutnohorský hotel (a hotel in Kutná Hora) is from the novel alone impossible to identify as there were several hotels in the city. Only by studying Dobrý voják Švejk v zajetí do we get any further. Here the episode is very similar and the author explicitly states that Major Wenzl swore at the head waiter of Haškův hotel (Hašek's hotel).
The term suggests that Jaroslav Hašek referred to Hotel Černý kůň (The Black Horse) in Kollárova ulice 314/6. The owner from 1892 was Emil Hašek but by 1906 he had sold it and established a new hotel in Prague opposite Severozápadní nádraží. The owner of the hotel in Kutná Hora in 1912 was Arnošt Moravec. Despite the change of owner it may still have been known as Hašek's hotel when Jaroslav Hašek visited the city in 1914 and also when Franz Wenzel, the prototype of Major Wenzl, served there from 1 May 1913 until after the outbreak of war.
Dobrý voják Švejk v zajetí
Major Wenzl nebyl sice žádná zvláštní vojenská hvězd rakouská, ale měl strach z národnostních sporů. Měl za manželku Češku a kdysi, když ještě sloužil jako hejtman v Kutné Hoře, přišel do novin, poněvadž jednou v napilosti vynadal číšníkovi v Haškově hotelu "česká pakáž", ačkoli mluvil sám jinak jen česky v domácnosti i ve společnosti.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Když před lety sloužil jako hejtman v Kutné Hoře vynadal jednou v opilosti v jednom hotelu vrchnímu, že je česká pakáž. Upozorňuji přitom, že ve společnosti mluvil major Wenzl výhradně česky, stejně jako ve své domácnosti, a že jeho synové studují česky.
[II.2] Slovo padlo, a už to bylo v místních novinách a nějaký poslanec interpeloval chování hejtmana Wenzla v hotelu ve vídeňském parlamentě.
- Hotel Černý kůň, ,
- Hotel Hašek, ,24.9.1892
- Úplný adresář král. svob. hor. města Hory Kutné, ,1898
- Guide to the Bohemian section and to the Kingdom of Bohemia, ,1906
- Hotel Hašek, ,16.2.1906
Apollo | ||||||
Praha II./1866, Fügnerovo nám. 4 | ||||||
Apollo is mentioned in the story Švejk tells Einjährigfreiwilliger Marek about Mlíčko who had been wounded very early in the war and became an artificial leg. In a brawl at Apollo some butchers tore the leg off and whacked him on the head with it.
Apollo was a large night café with dancing at Fügnerovo náměstí in Nové město, not in Vinohrady as Švejk says.
Newspaper adverts indicate that Apollo existed from 1897. An advert i Prager Tagblatt desribes it as Grand-Restaurant[a]. The adverts also reveal that the large restaurant hosted meetings for associations and political parties. Who owned it from the beginning is not known but in 1900 Jan Beutler was teaching dancing there. In 1902 and 1906 the owner was Antonín Žalud (he had lived at the address since 1901[c]), and in 1910 František Šťastný who had lived at the address since 1906[d].
Throughout 1915 adverts for dance entertainment appeared in Národní listy, and it confirms that Šťastný was still the landlord (he is listed as such in the address book of 1910). The adverts continued until 1917 but in the address book from 1924 the establishment does not longer exist on the premises.
Verbotene Lokale
On 15 February 1914 an article by Egon Erwin Kisch was printed in Bohemia. It listed 11 establishments that were forbidden to enter for ordinary soldiers from the Prague garrison[b]. The ban came into effect on 25 January 1907. The article was later printed in the book Die Abenteuer in Prag (1920), now titled Konsignation über verbotene Lokale.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Jednou přišel do ,Apolla’ na Vinohradech a tam se dostal do sporu s řezníky z porážky, kteří mu nakonec utrhli umělou nohu a praštili ho s ní přes hlavu.
Credit: Jaroslav Šerák, Egon Erwin Kisch
- Vergnügungsanzeiger, ,18.4.1897 [a]
- Velkorestaurace "Apollo", ,1900
- Zábavy a koncerty, ,15.6.1902
- Velkou veřejnou schůzi voličů - živnostíků, ,4.4.1909
- Verbotene Lokale, Egon Erwin Kisch,15.2.1914 [b]
- Koncerty a zábavy, ,25.2.1915
- Konsignation über verbotene Lokale, ,
- Románové restaurační a jiné zábavní podniky, ,2009 - 2021
- Pobytové přihlášky pražského policejního ředitelství, ,1851 - 1914 [c]
- Pobytové přihlášky pražského policejního ředitelství, ,1851 - 1914 [d]
a | Vergnügungsanzeiger | 18.4.1897 | |
b | Verbotene Lokale | Egon Erwin Kisch | 15.2.1914 |
c | Pobytové přihlášky pražského policejního ředitelství | 1851 - 1914 | |
d | Pobytové přihlášky pražského policejního ředitelství | 1851 - 1914 |
Porážka | |||||
Královské Vinohrady/973, Korunní tř. - | |||||
Porážka (the slaughterhouse) is mentioned in the story Švejk tells Einjährigfreiwilliger Marek about Mlíčko who had been wounded very early in the war and became an artificial leg. In a brawl at Apollo some butchers from the slaughterhouse tore the leg off and whacked him on the head with it.
Porážka is not named directly but to judge from the plot it appers to have been located near Apollo or Vávrova ulice. However, no slaughterhouse was located in the immediate vicinity so one is forced to look further away. The most obvious candidate is the city slaughterhouse and meat market in Vinohrady. It was located in Vinohrady no. 973 Korunní třída, but 2.3 kilometres away.
There was also a private slaughterhouse in Vinohrady, at Paláckého tř. 56. This one is closer to Apollo but still almost 1 km away. In 1912 it belonged to Eugen Bossanyi.
Considering the significant distance to both slaughterhouses and the fact that Švejk claimed that Apollo was located in Vinohrady it is tempting to believe that Švejk mixed up Apollo with some pub in Vinohrady that was situated much closer to the slaughterhouses.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Jednou přišel do ,Apolla’ na Vinohradech a tam se dostal do sporu s řezníky z porážky, kteří mu nakonec utrhli umělou nohu a praštili ho s ní přes hlavu.
Rudolfinum | |||||
Praha I./79, Rudolfovo nábřezí 10 | |||||
Rudolfinum is mentioned by Einjährigfreiwilliger Marek when he in the arrest in Budějovice tells the guard that the loud singing by the two inmates is because they form a branch of Rudolfinum and that they are performing a war symphony.
Rudolfinum is a concert hall and art centre in Staré město on the banks of Vltava next to Josefov. It was opened in 1884[a] and named after Crown Prince Rudolf. It is mostly used for concerts and art exhibitions.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] „Pardon,“ odpověděl jednoroční dobrovolník, „.zde je filiálka Rudolfina, koncert ve prospěch uvězněných. Právě ukončeno první číslo programu: ,Válečná symfonie’.
a | Adresář královského hlavního města Prahy a obcí sousedních | 1910 |
Budějovický hotel | |||||
Budějovický hotel (a hotel in Budějovice) was the scene of a drinking binge amongst officers from IR. 91, described by the narrator himself. Central to the description is the mood of Oberst Schröder and him remembering the good old days when officers really knew how to drink and how they engaged in imaginative debauchery (see Hauptmann Skoday). Apart from Schröder the others who participated were Hauptmann Ságner, Major Wenzl, Oberleutnant Kretschmann, Hauptmann Spíro and some reserve officers. Schröder despised the reserve officers and also bemoaned the fact that the regular officer Oberleutnant Lukáš didn't want to mix with his colleagues.
Budějovický hotel is an unnamed hotel in Budějovice that almost certainly was located in the centre. It is tempting to believe that the author had either Hotel Slunce or Hotel Zvon in mind as they were often visited by military personnel. Both hotels were located at Budějovické náměstí and thus only a short walk from Mariánská kasárna.
Hotel "Silberne Glocke"
Hotel "Silberne Glocke" (Hotel "U střibrného zvonu") was situated on the eastern side of the square. This part was mainly frequented by Germans, including officers[a] so it would have been a natural place for gatherings like the one described in The Good Soldier Švejk. This hotel was a high-end establishment where several members of the house of Habsburg are known to have stayed when visiting Budweis. Amongst the celebrities are Emperor Franz Joseph I., Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Archduke Friedrich.
On the facade of the hotel, the name was displayed in German only, quite unusual for this mixed population city with a Czech majority. In 1914 the hotel was managed by Anton Rödl. The hotel is still operating, now (2021) under the name Hotel Zvon.
Hotel "Slunce"
Hotel "Slunce" (Hotel "Sonne") was located on the southern perimeter of the city square and was popular with one-year volunteers (including Hašek) and it is well documented that officers also visited. Even colonel Karl Schlager, the model of the literary Oberst Schröder dropped by during a celebration in December 1914 for newly graduated reserve officers from k.k. Landwehrinfanterieregiment Nr. 29[b]. The fact that Hašek himself frequented it suggests that this was indeed the hotel he had in mind. In 1914 the hotel was managed by Bedřich Sandholec and it is still (2021) operating, now under the name Hotel Dvořák.
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] Zatímco jednoroční dobrovolník pronášel zdrcující kritiku poměrů v kasárnách, plukovník Schröder seděl v hotelu ve společnosti důstojníků a poslouchal, jak nadporučík Kretschmann, který se vrátil ze Srbska s bolavou nohou (trkla ho kráva), vypravoval, jak se díval od štábu, ku kterému byl přidělen, na útok na srbské posice.
- Voják Jaroslav Hašek v Českých Budějovicích, , [a]
- Kameradschafts-Abend, ,29.12.1914 [b]
- hotel Zvon, ,
- hotel Slunce, ,
a | Voják Jaroslav Hašek v Českých Budějovicích | ||
b | Kameradschafts-Abend | 29.12.1914 |
Budějovické divadlo | |||||
Budějovice I./424?, Divadelní ulice 19 | |||||
Budějovické divadlo (a theatre in Budějovice) was where Oberleutnant Lukáš fell in love with Mrs. Schreiterová, the wife of an engineer. This according to Hauptmann Ságner.
Budějovické divadlo is an unnamed theatre in Budějovice but we can with relative confidence assume that Hauptmann Ságner refers to Městské divadlo/Stadttheater (the city theatre). The building is located by the banks of Malše at the southern end of ulice Dr. Stejskala, in 1915 Divadelní ulice/Theatergasse. The theatre still exists (2021), now called Jihočeské divadlo (South Bohemian theatre).
Quote(s) from the novel
[II.2] „On skládá básničky,“ posměšně se ozval hejtman Ságner, „sotva přijel, tak se zamiloval do paní inženýrové Schreiterové, s kterou se setkal v divadle.“
II. At the front | |||
2. Švejk's budějovická anabasis |
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