A selection of literature from the webmaster's bookshelf.
Jaroslav HašekOsudy dobrého vojáka Švejka za světové válkyOttovo nakladatelství Praha 2000Czech edition with coloured drawings by Josef Lada. | Jaroslav HašekThe Fateful Adventures of the Good Soldier Švejk during the World WarKeenan, Sadlon & Lord Inc. 1997,2000,2009The most recent English translation of Švejk. Available as paperback, Kindle and PDF. Three volumes. Book one with Mike Joyce as co-translator. Book two, three and four with James Klagge as editor. |
Jaroslav HašekThe Good Soldier Švejk and his fortunes in the world warPenguin Books 1973The first unabridged translation of Švejk into English. Biographical information on the author, a section on the historical and cultural context and an analysis on the character Švejk. Maps included. | Jaroslav HašekDie Abenteuer des braven Soldaten SchwejkAufbau Verlag Gmbh 2008The first ever translation of Švejk was completed in 1926 and paved the way for the novels international fame. It was until 2014 the only German translation of the novel. |
Jaroslav HašekThe Good Soldier SchweikPenguin Books 1930The first English translation by Paul Selver, a professional translator. Shortened and bowdlerised, but the literary qualities appreciated by some readers (J.P. Stern). | Jaroslav HasekDen tapre soldat SvejkTiden Norsk Forlag 1968Norwegian translation in three volumes. Shortened. Translated from Swedish, Danish and German. |
СЕРГЕЙ СОЛОУХГАШЕК. ШВЕЙК. КОММЕНТАРИИ К РУССКОМУ ПЕРЕВОДУLulu 2013The most comprehensive fact-file on the novel ever published. Page for page break-down of Pyotr Bogytaryov's Russian translation, with information on translation details, language, people, places, literature, history, public and private institutions, publications, and troop units. | Radko PytlíkKniha o ŠvejkoviPanorama 1983The first ever complete book published about Švejk. Study of the novel: backdrop, composition, reception. Literary analysis. |
Cecil ParrottA study of Švejk and the short storiesCambridge University Press 1982Comprehensive study by the second British translator of Švejk who also was a leading expert on Hašek. Particularly strong on the historical setting. | |
Radko PytlíkJaroslav Hašek a dobrý voják ŠvejkVerlag Schola ludus Pragensia 1994About the life and work of Jaroslav Hašek, a good introduction to the theme. | Radko PytlíkJaroslav Hašek und der brave Soldat SchweikPanorama 1983About the life and work of Jaroslav Hašek, a good introduction to the theme. |
Radko PytlíkThus Spake ŠvejkEmporius 1997Quotes from the novel and accounts from Hašek's short stories. | Radko PytlíkAlso sprach SchwejkEmporius 1997Quotes from the novel and accounts from Hašek's short stories. |
Radko PytlíkCosì parlò ŠvejkEmporius 1999Quotes from the novel and accounts from Hašek's short stories. | Milan HodíkEncyklopedie pro milovníky ŠvejkaAcademia Praha 1998Detailed meta-text on themes related to the novel and its environs. Well researched albeit with unnecessary filler material (like entries on football and hair). |
Milan Hodík - Pavel LandaŠvejk - Fikce a faktyNaše vojsko 2006Uncovering many of the realia behind Švejk. Marshal Radetzky, the 91st infantry regiment, and some of the real-life models for characters in the novel. Solid and no-nonsense research. | Pavel PetrHašeks "Schwejk" in DeutschlandRütten & Loening Berlin 1963Comprehensive study of the novel with an emphasis on its reception and interpretation in Germany. |
Josef LadaDie Abenteuer des braven Soldaten Schweijk in BildernArtia Prag - Eulenspiegel Verlag Berlin 1975 (1961)Many rare illustrations by Lada, accompanied by extracts from the novel. The title of the Czech original: Můj přítel Švejk. | Radko PytlíkIdiots have priorityEmporius 1999Summary and translation of parts of Pytlík's earlier writing on Hašek and Švejk. |
Jaroslav HašekDobrý voják Švejk v zajetíČeskoslovenský spisovatel 1972The second version of Švejk, written in Kiev during the war. A short novel which uses some of the themes that later were to appear in the novel. Often crude propaganda. | Jaroslav HašekDějiny strany mírného pokroku v mezích zákonaSlunovrat Československý spisovatel 1977Short-stories centred around the "Party of moderate progress within the law". |
Jaroslav HašekPrůvodčí cizinců a jiné satiry z cest i z domovaAdolf Synek Praha 1925Short-stories from "Sebrané spisy", selected by Antonín Dolenský (volume 6). | Jaroslav HašekDobrý voják Švejk před válkou a jiné podivné historkyStátní nakladatelství krásné literatury, hudby a umění Praha 1957"The Good Soldier Švejk before the war and other strange stories". Collection of short stories, including the first five stories written about Švejk in 1911. |
Jaroslav HašekBachura Scandal and Other Stories and SketchesAngel Classics 2004A collection of short stories translated by Alan Menhennet | Jaroslav HašekKdyž bolševici zrušili vánoceModrý stůl Praha 2005"When the Bolsheviks abolished Christmas". Short stories, some of which were not published during communist rule as they openly ridiculed Lenin etc. Also includes stories that may not have originated from Hašek. Important epilogue highlighting the role of Břetislav Hůla in collecting material of relevance to Hašek. |
Jaroslav HašekVeselé povídkyNaše vojsko 2007"Happy stories". Short stories, illustrated by Josef Lada. | Jaroslav HašekLoupežný vrah před soudemStátní nakladatelství krásné literatury, hudby a umění Praha 1958"Robbing killer in court". Collection of short stories. |
Jaroslav HašekTerciánská vzpoura a jiné povídkyTerciánská vzpoura a jiné povídky 1960"The third grade revolt and other strange stories". Stories mostly related to Hašek's childhood. Collected and commented by Vladimír Stejskal. | Jaroslav HašekUtrpení pana TenkrátaČeskoslovenský spisovatel 1961"The misery of Mr. Tenkrát". Collection of short stories. |
Jaroslav HašekPraha ve dne i v noci aneb týden mezi dacanyČeskoslovenský spisovatel 1973"Prague during day and night or a week amongst villains". Collection of short stories and many photos from turn of the century Prague. | Jaroslav HašekFialový hromČeskoslovenský spisovatel 1961Collection of short stories. Notes by Zdena Ančík and Milan Jankovič. |
Jaroslav HašekReelní podnikČeskoslovenský spisovatel 1977Collection of short stories, nearly 700 pages. Illustrations by Josef Lada. | Jaroslav HašekOpilecké historkyBaset 2003"Drunken stories". Short stories related to intake of alcohol. |
Jaroslav HašekThe Red ComissarHeinemann London 1981A collection of short stories translated by Cecil Parrot. Contains the five stories Hašek wrote about Švejk in 1911 and a selection of the Bugulma stories. | Jaroslav HašekDie schönsten GeschichtenAufbau 2009German translation of short stories. |
Jaroslav HašekDas Hašek LesebuchDiogenes 2008German translation of short stories. Foreword by Gustav Janouch. | Jaroslav HašekDie Partei des maßvollen Fortschritts in den Grenzen der GesetzeSuhrkamp Verlag 1971German translation of "The party of moderate progress within the limits of the law (Czech original 1963). |
Jaroslav HašekBöhmische KücheVerlag der Nation Berlin 1985A collection of the better known short stories, containing those from Bugulma. | Jaroslav HašekKleine Erzählungen eines grossen MeistersPresseagentur Orbis Prag 1984A few selected stories, including the "Party of moderate progress ...". |
Walter Schaumschula (editor)West Slavic contributions/Westslavische BeitrageVerlag Peter Lang 1989Contributions to the Hašek-conference in Bamberg in 1983. | Mezinárodní konference.Český svaz spisovatelů, Ústav pro českou a světovou literaturu ČSAV a československý svaz novinářů 1983Dílo Jaroslav Haška v boji za mír a pokrok mezi národy Dobříš 20.-22.4 1983. Contributions to the Hašek-conference in Dobříš 1983. |
Společnost Jaroslava HaškaMezinárodní konference Hašek a Švejk, humor tisíciletíKraj Vysočina 2003Contributions to the Hašek-conference in Lipnice 2003. | |
Alexandr DrbalCestou necestou Jaroslava Haška a Josefa Švejka po Rakousku, Maďarsku, Slovensku, Polsku, Ukrajine a SNS v 21. století.Drbal 2008Presentation from the Hašek-conference in Lipnice nad Sázavou in 2008. Focus on memorials and places connected with Hašek. Available on CD as PPT and PDF. | Frank MarlowRejstrřík ke ŠvejkoviSixty-Eight Publishers, Toronto 1985"Footnote" to the novel with alphabetic listing of people, places, expressions etc. Lacking in detail. |
F.P. VožickýKronika světové války 1914-19F.P. Vožický 1919"Chronicle of the world war". Czech view of the world war. | |
Norman StoneThe Eastern Front 1914-1917Penguin Books 1975Regarded the primary English language reference work on the subject. | Brigitte HamannDer erste Weltkrieg. Wahrheit und Lüge in Bildern und TextenPiper München Zürich 2008The first world war. Truth and lies in text and illustrations. |
Verlag J. SteinbrennerDer Soldatenfreund. 1915 KalenderVerlag J. Steinbrenner 1915"Calendar for everyone belonging to the armed forces". Referred to by Jaroslav Hašek in the novel in connection with field chaplain Ibl's speech (which is copied from this volume). | |
Otakar Vaněk (ed)Za svoboduNákladem vlastním 1925Illustrated chronicle of the Czechoslovak revolutionary movement in Russia 1914-1920. Four volumes. |
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